Check out the Costume Contest

Move over, Bathsheba, I entered the contest too. See me at Jake the French Artist.
Here' s one of the three photos that I posted:

I'm posted at Hula Girl Bathsheba for contest comments, but my ridiculous pictures are shown in the next post.
Great costume Jake! My OTW is an artist, but she doesn't have a cool hat like that.
I couldn't be a painter like you, I just love biting the brushes too much to get to the painting part.
I do help the OTW when she makes art with string though.
This is one grate costuum!! Yoo bowth are vary vary creative!
you look totally cool!
Hey Jake, nice to meet you!
I added you to my Link list, hope that's kewl with you.
I like your costume alot! My aunt told me that she was gonna vote for you but then I cried so she says she voted for me but I don't know if I believe her.
Jake, Jake, Jake. You arenĀ“t gay by any chance? And single? If you answered both questions with no, not gay, not single, you break my heart...
No, no, I will still be your good friend. But you are adorable...
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