J&B's Mom here:
My beloved Jake was euthanized late yesterday afternoon.
I thought that I could have him with me for a few more weeks, but I came to realize that would not have been in Jake's best interest. He was very ill. Jake had always loved to eat; he'd inhale everything in his dish then try to nudge Bathsheba out of her bowl to eat her food. That led to separate feeding areas. But for weeks now, Jake has not eaten well. He had been on some different appetite stimulants and, while they did help, they did not work well enough. I could have tried some other meds to increase his appetite, but I asked myself, "Why?" Who would that serve? Jake or selfish me who wanted him to live with me forever?
Until last weekend, during Jake's illness he slept on my bed in my sunny room during the day and slept tightly beside or on me there at night. Beginning last weekend, he chose to sleep on a sofa in the dark and cold family room. I could bring him up to bed with me and he would snuggle and purr for a while, but he would leave to return downstairs once I was asleep. Why did he want to be alone?
Wednesday I spoke at length with his new vet. Jake's cancer was very advanced. One thing she said was that euthanasia is one of the greatest gifts we can give our animals. I thought about those words a lot. I kept thinking, "Is it about me or about Jake? What is best for my little boy?" Jake's appetite was poor on Wednesday, though he did eat some of the special chicken that I cooked for him, and he licked the gravy out of the Fancy Feast. Wednesday night I never even changed clothes from work and settled in with Jake on that sofa. He slept tightly next to me all night. I did not sleep well because my decision was becoming apparent to me.
I took Thursday off from work. Jake limped to his food bowls that morning, but barely ate anything. He was on pain meds, but his vet said that once the cancer is in the bones, as his was, it can be very painful. I did not want his rapidly deteriorating health to lead to loss of dignity. I cuddled Jake a lot, and he snuggled next to me on the love seat in the living room as I tried to read the newspaper. I held him in my arms and took him outside to survey his domain: his deck and gardens and the little patch of woods beyond the boundary of my small subdivision lot. At 12:30 p.m., I finally decided to call the vet's office to make the dreaded appointment for later that day.
As some of our longtime readers know, Jake's dad moved to California in the summer of 2007 and he and I formally broke up in October 2007. He and I did a lot of talking recently about Jake. Using my hands-free device, we talked during the half-hour car trip to the vet yesterday. He supported my decision.
The actual procedure was the first euthanasia I ever witnessed. With my 19 year old Maine Coon "Precious" who died in 1997 of kidney failure, I vowed to have her euthanized if she did not make it through the night when she became very weak. She died as I slept next to her on the guest room bed so she spared me that decision. In 1991 my dear Gus was euthanized on the operating table when the vets determined that he had advanced stage stomach cancer. They called me on the phone to advise that course of action. I was not there with him.
So, I was with my dear Jake until the end and a bit afterwards. He trusted me to do the right thing and I think that I did so, but it doesn't stop all the tears and second guesses.
In my gut I feared cancer for Jake when he became ill because my dear Gus's only apparent symptom of stomach cancer had been a similar loss of appetite. Part of me feels guilty for putting Jake through all the tests just to determine conclusively whether it was cancer and where. I guess I hoped against hope that it might be something treatable, but it was not.
Jake lives on in my heart and mind in delightful memories. He was such a handsome boy with a beautiful face and expressive loving eyes. He had the longest white whiskers and the longest striped tale. His fur was silky soft and his marble tabby stripes were striking. He was huggable.
Jake enjoyed the outdoors so much. He would lounge in his bed under the table on the deck, sleep in the dirt under a shrub, or pretend he did not know me when he was stalking around as a great hunter on his back 40. He cruised the Jake highway, so-named because he raced from the Jake passageway in the fence across the deck and to the other side of the yard. He would fly home from the woods when he heard his dad call him with his special whistle tune. He loved to hunt bugs, especially ones that would flit against the sliding glass door adjoining the deck. Jake always had a serious expression on his face as he would mark his territory around the yard. When he was a kitten, he would play with fishing pole toys and launch himself from the stairs in pursuit. He loved to share buttered popcorn and would try to catch kernels thrown to him in mid-flight. He enjoyed the avocado and cantaloupe rinds that he would find in the compost pile, so I had to do a better job of burying them. He could deftly catch crinkle balls. He was wild about catnip. He would greet me at the front door when I got home from work.
But he was also naughty and would spray in the house and mark some of his dad's equipment. He loved to slam-dunk Bathsheba as I was dishing out their food for meals. Scratch, scratch on the door, he had to be let out. Scratch, scratch again, he had to be let in. Over and over.
I once dressed him up as a
French artist for Skeezix's first Halloween costume contest, and I thought he looked adorable.
We first started blogging in
August of 2006 after joining Catster and we met the most wonderful people and cats from around the world. We were inspired by
Kismet and
Skeezix and encouraged by
Rosie and Cheeto. Jake was paired up with "spicy vixen"
DaisyMae Maus of San Diego in the 2007 Valentine's Day
match ups. We were honored to join the supportive cat network and become part of a big family. But, by joining this big network of cats, we make ourselves vulnerable to emotional pain as well. We get to know these cats and they feel like family. Some get sick; some die. Those times are hard on all of us. And cats don't live as long as humans. They give us great joy while they are alive. We mourn their passing with torrents of tears. For those of you faithful readers who have read to the end of this post, thank you. Thank you all for the wonderful support you showed in the previous post. It means so much to me. Please join me in celebrating Jake's wonderful life that was just seven weeks shy of 15 years. If there was anything you particularly noted or liked about Jake, please post it in the comments. I will miss him and cherish his memory always.

Goodbye, dear Jake.
Labels: cancer, Jake
Oh, Nancy and Bathsheba ... We are at a loss for what to say. Jake was more than DaisyMae's sweet "tomfriend" and Valentine ... He was special and irreplaceable in the blogosphere and in our hearts.
We share your grief and offer our sincerest condolences. Jake will certainly be greeted warmly at the Bridge, but his passing leaves a hole in our hearts.
With love and smooches,
Jessica, the Feline Americans, and DaisyMae Maus
We're grateful to be the first to comment ...
We are so very sorry your Jake is gone. He certainly is a beautiful mancat. He looks like he owns the world in his pictures, a very happy boy. No one could have done more for him than you. He was there for you and you were there for him.
purrs and hugs
We are cryin an cryin over Jake, and we wish we were thare to pore yoo a big glass of wine and give yoo a big hug. I always admired Jake cuz he was such a hansum mancat and I wunted to grow up to be just like him. Mao always admired his ability to pee all over evrything. Tripper wisht he lived with us cuz they were hansum tabby brudders. Rocky was frankly, a littul jellus cuz of his reelayshunship with DMM.
It was vary kind of yoo to help Jake to the Bridge erlier than yoo reely wunted. I hope if my peepul are faced with that decizhun, that they do the same for me.
{{{BIG HUGS}}}} frum all of us to yoo and Bathsheba. We love yoo.
What a strong and beautiful boy you were, Jake, your friends at Catster will miss you dearly. Thanks to your mom for being such a loving human friend to you.
Furrever purrs and meows,
We've been MIA for a long time in the cat blogosphere, so you might not remember us, but we remember you! And we're so furry sorry for your Mom-we know she's hurting furry badly. But it will be wonderful for you up on the Bridge until you meet your Mom again someday!
We're thinking about you all!
xo-Pippin, Turtle, and Ava Grace
we are not sure we can type so please forgive any typos here momma is leaking too much to help us type.
We are so sad Jake has gone to the Bridge. Our heart goes out to you please feel our gentle hugs and purrs.
Like you said with joining the CB and it's wonderful members we are making ourselves vulnerable. Before I joined I could not imagine this but it is true. Within all the laughter and support there is also a lot of hurt and sadness we experience with each other.
Jake, we will meet at again! Godspeed for now our friend!
hugs and love and purrs
Kashim, Othello and Salome
Momma Astrid
My brothers, Kimo & Sabi, and I and my parents are very sad to hear this news. I wish I'd know Jake longer - he seemed like a great kitty. We are all sending you lots of hugs.
That was a beautiful post about your special boy Jake. We are glad he went to the bridge with you there to give his love and snuggles.
Our eyes are leaking, and we send you warm summer hugs.
Julie and Poppy Q
I am so sorry that Jake had to go to the Rainbow Bridge. I think you did the best thing for him when you helped him go, even though you wanted longer to say goodbye after you found out about the cancer. I also think you did the right thing in having all the tests done to make sure that it was cancer and not something that could be cured. I loved the way Jake really enjoyed being the big Mancat around the house.
I am sorry to say goodbye to Jake - run free over the bridge with no pain Jake.
Huffle Mawson
What a wonderful commemorative post about your beautiful boy Jake. I am so sorry that he has had to go to the Bridge so soon, it must break your heart. But as I read your words, as you describe Jake's life, and hear about his little foibles, and his endearing charming ways as well as his naughty habits - I can say for certain that even though I didn't know him or you - he was and is loved beyond measure. And yes, the greates gift of all we can give the pets we love, is to avoid them having to suffer - by euthanaia at the appropriate time. It is the hardest, and yet the kindest, decision that any of has to make.
Thank you for sharing Jake's beautiful life story - and we all send you love and hugs and will purr and pray for Jake. Please accept our heartfelt condolances.
Love from the Mom, Milo and Alfie xxx
Oh Nancy! I hugged the Valentine that is on it's way to you today real tight...filled it up with extra special love for you and Bathsheba.
You have written such a wonderful post...we have been with you since the beginning and remember those sad times you spoke of. I felt every word deep inside my heart...
I love this comforting poem and hope you can read it and feel touched.
~How can I bear to lose you, my precious gentle one,
To know that you will not be here when my day is done?
So much of my heart, my love, have I given up to you,
How then can I stand the pain now that your life is through?
My sorrow overwhelms me, the tears so freely flow,
How can I carry on my life, with a heart that's laden so?
Then the answer comes to me from the stillness in my soul.
Remembering the love we shared will help to make me whole.
I'll hold you in a special place, so deep within my heart
And in these loving memories we'll never be apart.
You will not be so far away, your presence I will feel.
I'll wrap myself in your memory and so very slowly I will heal.
The years we shared, the little joys, the laugher and the tears
My love for you will never die, but strengthen with the years
So fare you well, my precious love, I gently let you go
And pray to all the Gods there be that you will always know
I loved you so, my little one, that love will never cease
I gave you warmth, I gave you love, and now I give you peace.
~~ Constance Jenkins~~
We will always remember the lovely photographs of Jake out and about, patroling and enjoying his garden. He was such a magnificent tabby mancat, a real beauty made all the more loveable with his "naughty" quirks. He had a very fine set of tabby 'tocks too.
We are so sorry that Jake has gone, but it was the most generous gift to give to such a very good cat who gave you so many years of love. We send you and Bathsheba much love and many rumbly purrs to help you remember darling Jake and smile
& Mum
I am so sad that Jake had to go to the Bridge. You did a very kind thing for him to ease his pain, even though it was the hardest thing to do. But more than that, you gave him a beautiful life filled with love and happiness and peace. He was a great Mancat, and I will miss him so much. I hope Bathsheba is okay. My sincerest sympathies and soft purrs to you.
We're sitting here with leaky eyes. We're so sorry Jake had to go to the Bridge so soon. Thank you for sharing so much of him with us.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I am so sad that Jake had to go to the Bridge so soon.
Take care
Joanne, Jane, jill, Johnny, Jay boy, Jasmine & Capu from Singapore
We are so sorry to hear this sad news, but you gave Jake the greatest gift. Even though it broke your heart to do so, you helped him on his final journey so he could go with dignity.This is the hardest choice for all of us who love our kitties so much. Jake was one of our first friends, we started blogging just before you, and we will miss him very much.
Our thoughts are with you and Bathsheba.
Love and comforting hugs from Jackie and Eric and Flynn.
We are so very sorry for the loss of Jake. What a beautiful tribute you wrote to him. He will always have a special place in your heart. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and Purrs
Oh we are so sorry to hear about Jake. It is always a difficult decision, but it sounds like this was the right time for Jake.
We are thinking about you. The house must seem empty without the handsome boy.
What a beautiful post, our eyes are leaking. We haven't been blogging very long and never got the true pleasure of meeting Jake, we really missed out. We are so sorry for your loss and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
The Creek Cats
Our hearts hurt for you today, the first day you'll wake up without your boy. It was a very brave and selfless thing you did for him. Dignity is all to a cat! That and a bowl of Stinky Goodness! Thank you for sharing it with us. I send you my bestest and most comforting purrs. My mom sends you a loving hug and a box of tishoos. Dear Bathsheba, we would all snuggle you if we could.
I was Jake's dad. We spent many wonderful years together. He was such a loving and devoted son. I feel very fortunate to have been a part of his life. "The Little Man" as I called him had such a great spirit and loving personality, even is he was very naughty at times. It is very touching to see that Jake had so many supportive and kind on-line friends. Thank You to you all! The memory of Jake will always be with me with great love and affection! His Dad, Warren.
i am so verree sorree to heer dat jake haz gone to da bridge. u helped him wid luv, nancy. i know dat it musta been hard fer u ...
he wuzza hansum mancat an i admired him verree much.
he will be missed.
an will alwayz be luved.
luv to u an bathsheba--jh
This is so sad. Our lady was leeking when she read the news. We had to remind her that it was Jake's time to go to the rainbow bridge and that it was the right thing to do cause he is not hurting anymore.
We hope yer lady will always remember that She brought so much joy and happiness to Jake's life. She was his guardian angel when he was here on earth, now it's his turn to be her guardian angel from up above.
Thank you for the joy you brought into our lives and into the lives of everyone else you've touched. Til we meet again at the rainbow bridge.
Rosie, Cheeto, and Kimberly
What a beautifully written tribute. The depth of your sorrow is matched by the depth of your love; and I can tell both are deep and filled with thousands of memories. Jake may be gone from this life, but his love remains. I truly believe we shall see our loved ones again.
Peace be with you.
We are so sorry to hear about Jake. It is never easy losing one of our furbabies. We hope the joy Jake brought you over the years helps you during this very sad time.
Purrs of comfort to you...
Wally, Ernie & Zoey (and mom Sue)
To Jake's Family:
We're so sorry to read about Jake's journey to the Bridge.
He's cancer-free and chasing bugs!
We'll see you at the Bridge, Jake.
Purrs, prayers and headbumps,
Conner Cloud
and Mom
The more we love them, the more we hurt when they have to leave. I wish I had words to heal your broken heart.
This was a beautiful tribute, and we will remember Jake and his beautiful tabby furs.
Sending gentle ((hugs)) and prayers your way...
~ The Bunch
Jake was one of the first cats I met when we started blogging. He will be missed so much.
Your tribute to him was beautiful.
He will live on in all our hearts.
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
::sob:: Byebye Jake, we'll miss yoo but we'll see yoo at the Rainbow Bridge! It was nice of yore Mommy to help yoo go when yoo were so hurty and nobean could help yoo. Fly free at the Bridge our furriend! Chloe will show yoo around.
Sanjee and the resta the Hotties
We're so sorry to hear this. Jake was a strong mancat and fierce fighter.
Your post is beautiful. Purrs and love to you and Bathsheba.
Dear Nancy,
Jake will always have a very special place in our hearts and especially my Mommy's heart. Jake reminded Mommy very much of her first kitty. J&B's blog was one of the first one's that we started reading. Jake was always there for you and he loved you so very much. I am glad that you were there for him and that your love helped his journey to the Bridge easier.
Godspeed to him and comforting purrs and prayers to you and to Bathsheba.
Parker and family.
Oh my goodness. This is very sad. What a beautiful post you wrote about Jake's life. We are sending you and Bathsheba tons of purrs and purrayers and we know that Jake is running free and happy now at the Bridge.
Luf, Us & Maw
The beans eyes are leaking, because this is sad, and even more so for them because Jake reminds them so much of Texas. Jake and our big brother Texas could have been twins based on appearance. A lot of the attitude descriptions of Jake seem to match our Texie too, and they both had loving humans that helped them to a wonderful place where evil cancer doesn't exist.
We are so sorry that Jake is no longer with you in body, but we are sure his spirit will stay in your heart forever the way Texas' spirit is with us.
Niko, Cloud, Mom&Dad Bean
What a somber and fitting epitaph. We're so sorry for your loss, but also think you and Jake had a wonderful time together. We hope Bathsheba is OK too.
Mom's eyes are leaking about the scratching to be let in and out too. Texas did that all the time too, sometimes several times during the night to be let in and out of the bedroom. For weeks after Texas died Mom was sure she was hearing scratching at the door in the morning.
Our hearts go out to you on the loss of Jake. It is very hard to let our beloved feline family members go, they leave such huge holes in our hearts. ~Alasandra (and the cats)
Your post moved me. Jake is now at the rainbow bridge , with all of our loved ones... rest in peace.
Mom spent sometime this morning going over many past posts so we could get to know Jake. He was a very handsome mancat! His deck, woods, gardens with pretty flowers were places he loved to hang out. The sun really enhanced the magnificent art patterns on Jakes soft coat. His eyes reflected the green gardens he so enjoyed. Through those eyes one can see he loved his life and his family. Goodbye Jake, Goodbye........the Cat Street Boyz
We were so sorry to hear about Jake going to the Bridge but are glad that he is not in any pain from that horrible cancer anymore. Tears were falling as we read your beautiful tribute to Jake. We always wished that we could join him on his adventures on the Jake Highway - and we were fascinated with the Jake Passageway. Jake was so very loved and will be missed. We're sending over soft purrs to Bathsheba and all of his family.
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
and hugs from our mom, Teri
Dear Batsheeba and mom,
we are so sorry about your loss. The last picture of Jake is strikingly beautiful. It is horrible that he had cancer. It was the best decision you made that he didn't have to die of it. Must have been such a hard decision, but we are sure that every cat in the world supports that decision. It is the ultimate sign of love, respect and responsability! So very sorry. At least he is free from pain now.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli and mom
we are so sorry dat jake had to leave yoo and all ov us. jake, yoo are a furry hansum mancat, know yoo were furry luved by yor fambly and all ov us
We are so sorry for your loss. Please know that we are purring for you today, and that we loved Jake. ~Tristan and Crikey
Excuse our mom, Batsheba, her eyes went all leaky and she misspelled your name. She's silly sometimes.
What a meaningful remembrance of Jake you've written. We are so very sorry; our hearts go out to you.
Many hugs and purrs,
Luxie & family
Oh, Nancy, we are so, so, so sad to read about Jake. He was a wonderful mancat :) and we will miss him very, very much. We send big man paws and whisker humps and purrs and sandpaper kisses to you and Bathsheba. Thank you for letting us be a part of Jake's life.
A soldiers farewell to you, noble Jake. While our paths never crossed in this life time, I know we would have been good friends. It's undignified for kat-kings to cry, so my human female is doing it for me. Good luck on the next round buddy!
Jerusalem "that is not a tear" Jones
We are so sorry. Cancer is a tough one. We had cats with lymphoma in the lungs (two actually). It's a tough thing to watch.
We will see you again Jake at the Bridge.
Until we meet at the Bridge, Jake. You fought long and well. We're sending comforting vibes and purrs to those who loved you.
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and big purrs to you. You did right by Jake, you loved him to the end and he will be with you forever in your heart.
Mum is all leaky eyed on me, your life with Jake is very touching and shows your love for him.
'Til we meet again Jake.
We are so sorry about Jake. That is a beautiful tribute you wrote about Jake and your life together. He was obviously a very special mancat.
Please give Bathsheba some hugs from us. Thinking of you and sending purrs.
Fat Eric and mum, Kate
What a beautiful tribute to a very special boy. We're so sorry and even though we know you did the right thing, we can't seem to stop crying. Till we meet again, handsome Jake - you were the very essence of Mancatliness.
love, hugs & purrs ~
Grr, Midnight & Cocoa
Rascal & Riley
Karen & the teenagers
I'm so sorry about Jake. I didn't get to know him, but I know that he must have been a manly mancat. I'm sure he knew how much you love him too. The Blonde One's eyes are leaking for you.
I just happened by your blog and see that Jake has left for a better place. I would like to offer my sincere and heartfelt sympathy on your loss. I have 4 rescue kitties and know that there is never a good time to say good-by to someone you love.
Letting a kittie go is one of the hardest things you ever have to do, and it can be the most important.
We are sending you mournful purrrrss and gentle headbuttss.
PS: Bathsheba - Tell Jake if a big white tom cat starts hisssing and swatting at him, just swat him back. That's probably Radcliff, and he's all bluff.
We are so very sorry for your loss. We didn't know Jake, but we can tell that he was a wonderful mancat & has a wonderful mommmy.
Bless you for all you've done for your baby. We're sending comforting purrs your way.
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus, Emma & Mama Rhonda
That was a beautiful post, befitting a beautiful cat who lived a beautiful life. Nancy and Bathsheba, I'm sending my rumbliest purrs your way as you remember your dear friend. We're all with you.
We are sorry to hear the sad news about Jake. We hope Kelly is with Jake now, showing him the best hunting places. Big Man Cats like them are such good company.
And we hope that knowing so many people understand and care will help give you some comfort now.
Thank you for sparing Jake some potentially painful days. I am gonna miss him A LOT, but now he's at the Bridge playing with all our friends who got there ahead of him, and I bet he's found the best Stinky Goodness there ever was, and is scarfing it down.
I am so so sorry to know this,
goodbye- Dear Jake....
We will meet again someday~!!!
And we will be togehter~!!!
I am sending my prayers and purrs here to your mommy!
I'm so sorry to hear about this, and I wish we had the chance to get to know him better before he had to go to the bridge. I'm sure my sister Jonesie and him would have been fast friends. Purrs and hugs to you during this difficult time.
What a beautiful tribute to your sweet boy Jake, Nancy. We send you and Bathsheba many gentle purrs and lots of healing light.
Run free at the Bridge, Jake!
'Kaika and the Yosemite cats
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Jake was a beautiful cat!
Abby & Stygia
I didn't know Jake very well, but your post brought tears to my eyes. I have never had to euthanize a pet before either, and my heart is now heavier tonight after reading this brave and heartfelt goodbye to Jake. I know he's over there with my Mollee and Tyler.
I'm so sorry. Jake was so special and I want to thank you for sharing your story as our family is wxperiencing something similar. God bless Jake andd your family! Maria Michelle
My deepest sympathies. You did the right thing by Jake - he's no longer in pain and he's pretty happy now since he crossed the Rainbow Bridge
Goodbye Jake, he was a gweat cat and he'll live on forever in our memowies.
Purrs to your whole famiwy.
I came to visit your blog from Daisy the Curly Cats Blog, because I read you had lost your handsome boy Jake. I am a vet tech at an all cat veterinary hospital and your post telling us all about Arthur just made me smile, through the tears, because it lifts me up to know there are people like you out there, who's special animal companions mean the world to them and they will go that extra mile for them.
While the diagnosis was grim, you now know that every extra day you had with him was a treasure, that kisses on his forehead, and whatever else you do to show him your love of him, will be made into special memories that will remain in your heart forever.
Life is tenuous and unpredictable. I used to spend a lot of times on what if's and making plans for inevitable scenarios, but after losing my husband unexpectedly to an aneurysm, I came to the realization that we really can't control as much as we think we can, all we can do is put one paw in front of the other, and go on.
Teri and the Cats of Furrydance
Dear Jake and Bathsheba's Mom, It's hard to type through leaking eyes. We're sorry that Jake had to leave for the bridge so soon - we were hoping that you guys could have some more time together, but sadly that couldn't be. Thank you for being brave and kind enough to put Jake first, and helping him to pass over the Bridge when the time was right. We're sending our best purrs to comfort you and Bathsheba through this,
Gypsy & Tashs & Karen (Mum)
Oh we are so sorry to see that Jake is gone. Our hearts cry for you. We know that Jake must feel so much better now over the bridge playing with his furriends. Many hugs and kisses to you. We're gonna miss him as well. He really was one of the best looking tabbies with those awesome stripes!
I am so sorry to hear about Jake going to the bridge. What beautiful words you have used to remember him My thoughts are with you.
We know this ia a sad time, ut also that it is a blessing for jake. he is not suffering or in pain. Nancy, you made the hardest decission that any of with beloved oets have to make. Your post was lovely asd a fitting tribute to a wonderful kitty. We are sending huggs and purrs to ans ask that you keep the good memories of Jake close to your heart.
We are sending lots of hugs and purrs and prayers. Losing a loved one is very very hard. Cancer is horrible in itself. The things to remember are this: They gave you love and trust and shared their lives with you, and will live on in your hearts till you meet again over the Bridge. Think of the lovely reunion.
I never knew Jake. I heard about him from my friend, Daisy. He sounds like he was an amazing Mancat. I am so sorry for your loss and I send my Purrs to you, Jake's Mom, and Bathsheba.
what a warm and touching post about your beloved jake. sharing so much with our furries they are so dear to our hearts itis always with deep sadness that we turn them back to their makers all too soon. jake was well loved and in turn showered much love in return, he will always live on in your heart and memories and be there to watch over you and when the day comes he will be there to greet you at the bridge of eternal life.
hugs and purrs
and mom debra
What a lovely tribute to your beautiful boy. You can't regret anything you did the best you could for him.
We're so sorry for the loss of Jake. Glenna, Yazziebear, Chester, Shy Tabby, Little Friend, Scratchy and Buckaroo.
Dear Nancy,
I am so sorry for your loss ! And what a lovely tribute to such a special companion.
I came here via Daisy the Curly Cat.
My condolences to all who loved Jake
Daisy sent me...
I'm known fur being 'fond' of khats BUT that doesn't stop me from passing along some love to those that have lost their little beasties...
As Karen Ramstead (the musher that uses all khanines like ME) says to the humans 'we spend our whole lives telling our pets we love them...this is our chance to prove it'
I'm sure Jake is having a grand time being chased by a furry lovely khanine!
Be sure to look fur a sign he's made it! We are obligated to send a sign to let our pawrent(s) know we've khrossed and gotten settled in!
Khyra and her mom
MomNancy and Bathsheba, we are so very sorry for your loss. Jake was a wonderful mancat and a good furriend and we will miss him terribly. We are so sorry. What a wonderful tribute to Jake, who will always be watching over both of you and waiting for you both at the Bridge.
Jake buddy, we will not say good bye to you, we cannot say good bye. We can only say Until we meet at the Bridge.....
Our sincerest condolences on your loss of Jake. Fly free Jake, there is no cancer at the bridge.
Brenda & Boots
Hi there,
We're friends of Daisy's and just read about your sweet Jakie. Mommy had to make that same difficult decision about our catsister Maui a few years ago and it was one of the toughest days of her life. One good thing about being dogs and cats is that we don't know a thing about our mortality. We're just here to love you for awhile, then meet you again when we're reunited forever.
Hope you find some comfort in all these heartfelt wishes,
Petey and Mica
Goodbye, Jake. Purrs to your wonderful family.
The Morning Scratch staff (Bogdan, Sara, Kat3 and Jeff)
I'm very sorry to hear about your Jake. I have a Jake, too, about the same age, and know I'll be facing this sooner than I want to admit. I came here from Daisy's blog and want to add my condolences.
I am so sorry. Peace to your friend.
What a beautiful post about Jake!! We always remember him wanting to play hunter all the time and he was very good! Our purrs and purrayers are with you Bathsheba and Mom!! And Jake one day we will meet you again at the Rainbow Bridge!
Your FL furiends,
Samantha & Mr. Tigger
Jake, your mom has given me the courage to finally help my Loki to the other side later this week. Like you, he has cancer but has lived almost a year with it but the last week or so, he is very different. It is especially hard as its coming on the heels of a long time friend's death and then last week, my own mom left the earth plane. I know both of them suffered greatly because they had no directive at the end. I have prepaid for the help I will need with my Loki and will you please watch out for him when he arives and help him find his other brothers and sisters-especially Alex and
Saavik? I have held all my fir babies as they cross (but one-which I was on the way to do-he died with me holding his paw in the car on a horribly rainy October) over the last 37 years-and even others when some moms did not have the courage-but each one tears the soul apart as the tears mend it again. We can never replace you or any of the fur children we adopt but we can open the broken peices of our hearts to other very needy and deserving babies when the time is right.
Finally we'll find it, the Rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Sending you peace and light.
Our Mommy's eyes are leaking really badly - she's been there before and knows how hard it is to do what you did. But Jake knows that you were taking the very best care of him that you could. We know in our hearts that he's healthy and whole across the Bridge, but we know that your heart is breaking. We'll be sending all our purrs to you.
Purrs and hugs,
Pearl, Bert, Jake and Mommy Amanda
(((((((Nancy and Bathsheba)))))))) What a beautiful tribute to precious Jake. We are so sorry that he had to go to the Bridge. Jake will always be one of the finest mancats we have ever known, and such a handsome fuzzy boy, so full of purrsonality.
We Ballicai and our Mom are so sad for your loss -- Mom is crying for you, but we're also so glad that you and Jake shared the special love and bond that you did. That's something that will last forever -- where there was love, there is never a last goodbye. Sending much love to you, and our thoughts and purrs are with you.
Here is a poem we hope you will find comforting:
And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.
Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.
But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.
Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.
~Author Unknown
I am crying and crying with you. I've made that same decision a half dozen times over the years and held each one in my arms as they went to the Bridge. The tests were necessary to see if he was treatable and your decision to let Jake go now was the right one. I've always thought just maintaining a cat's life and putting off the inevitable, letting him lose his quality of life more and more each day, is not doing what's in his best interest. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Jake was a great cat and lives on in all of our hearts.
We did not know Jake as we only started blogging about a month ago but we can tell from this beautiful post, which we read every word of, that he was a wonderful furry companion to you. Our eyes are leaking and we wish we had known him because he sounds amazing. We are all purring very hard for you.
Love and purrs,
CountryCats & Mom
a life well lived..Sandy
I regret that I never really knew Jake, but after reading his Mommies memories about him, I feel he was a kitty I would have really liked and even looked up to. Sending you bunches of purrs Nancy and Bathsheba.
*teary eyed pout*
Nancy and Bathsheba, we are all leaky eyes as we read your post. We know what it's like to help a family member to the Bridge and we've been there to see it done. It's terrible, but sometimes, it's the best thing. Please know that we are purring for you and Bathsheba and Jake's dad. We send hugs and prayers to you. We know there'll be lots of Jake's friends there to meet him.
Alexi and the rest of Castle cats, Mombean and Blu Cat Man
Nancy and Bathsheba, we are so, so sorry that Jake had to go to the Bridge, but your decision was the kindest, most loving thing you could do for your sweet boy. Ours and Momma's eyes are leaking after reading your wonderful post, it is such a beautiful tribute to Jake. We will be purring and purraying that you will be able to get through this sad time in your lives ...
Many hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan
Our eyes are leaking and leaking. We are so so sorry. You are in our thoughts and purrayers.
I knew Jake only slightly, but his Mom is a very dear friend, so it is to her that
my thoughts turn. I watched her struggle for several weeks with the growing
inevitablility of this decision. She agonized over what was best for Jake and what
she wanted most in her heart. The poignancy of her chronicle in these postings of the time before Jake's pasisng
says it all. As the vet told her, euthanasia is the greatest gift we may be able to
give to the animals who let us care for them. She did the right thing.
I am very proud to be her friend. H
I didn't know Jake, but I lost my best friend "Bear" in August, he was a big black dog and I just loved him so much, he would let me play with his tail whenever I wanted to.
I will send word out to Bear to keep an eye out for Jake.
Salem in Pa.
My heart is aching so and my eyes are filled with tears.This is such a sweet post and Jake was a very special kitty and dear friend.I will miss him alot.
Jake was richly blessed to have such a loving and caring family to share his life with...you were fortunate to have each other to share the road of life. God bless Jake and his family....
.....I wish you peace during this very sad time......
We read about Jake over at Daisy's and came by to leave our condolences. We did not know Jake and enjoyed reading about him. He was clearly a wonderful friend and will be very much missed. You filled his life with love and caring and that is the greatest gift of all. We lost our 18-month old kitty brother in January and share your pain.
Tom, Tama-Chan and #1
We just heard about Jake from Daisy. We are so sorry to hear this news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. My mom lost one of my sisters last month and my other sister is very ill with CRF. Purrs to you at this sad time.
--JB, Misty, Bear and Dumplin' too
What a wonderful tribute to Jake - I read every word. He is such a handsome tabby too. I know how hard it is to let them go but you knew it was time and so did Jake. It was a gift to him from you. He is still with you now in spirit and will always be.
In Reiki love and light,
Cheri and the cats of Woldcat Woods
I'm sorry that I didn't know Jake very well. But I have a ginger marbled brother named Jake that reminds me a lot of your sweet boy. We lost our sister last summer and we feel your pain. We hope that good memories help you heal.
We're so sorry that Jake got cancer and had to go to the Bridge.
Sending purrs of support during this sad time.
Charlemagne and Tamar
What a wonderful Mommy you were to jake. He is smiling and running free now. We feel for you as we had to have the doctor help Chyna go over the rainbow bridge two weeks ago. Perhaps she was there to greet Jake along with all of the others who have crossed to the sweeter side of spiritual life. We hold you all in our hearts and prayers.
Warmest purrs,
Theresa111 and Bobby
Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog!
What a beautiful post about your little boy.
Adios, Jake. We'll see you on the other side some day.
William, Olivia, Caroline, Russell, Gracie and our mom.
Oh, I am so very sorry to learn of your loss. How very difficult it is to lose a kitty, especially one that is so special in so many ways.
You did the right thing--I think we owe them the dignity in death, free of pain and discomfort. He knew he wasn't right and that's why he went off to be by himself. They do that in the wild--go off to die alone.
I share your pain, as we lost our 3 year old kitty, Henry, in October and honestly you don't ever get over it. I sympathize and my eyes teared up reading your post about your friend. I pray you find comfort in knowing you spared him further pain and let him go to where he'll wait to join you one day.
I'm so sorry, I hope you find solace in his memories. I leave you with a favorite quote of mine...
"No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch." --Leo F. Buscaglia
your tribute post to jake was beautiful. i can feel how much he was loved and how much he loved his family. even his naughtiness is remembered fondly. things that drive us crazy in life are special memories later. so long for now jake.
we will be keeping your family in our purrayers.
My heart goes out to you.
We faced a similar situation with two 14 year old sisters. One had to be put down due to illness and the other simply gave up living due to grief. We kept her alive for 1 month with a feeding tube and then I realized I was keeping her alive for me, not for her, so we let her join her sister. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
Give Bathsheba extra love. She's grieving too.
Crew's Mom
I am so, so sorry for your loss. I feel bad that I haven't visited for so long as you were among the first blogs I visited. Now I find the news on Daisy's blog and I can't stop crying, even though I know you have done the right thing for your darling boy. He will always be with you, sometimes when you least expect! Don't worry, not in a scary way!
Huge {{{{{HUGS}}}}} xxx
We are so very sad to hear about Jake, but you gave him the very best kind of gift. Mom had to do this not too long ago with our brother, Tiki, and while it is hard, it is also the most loving thing you could do for him. Jake was so lucky to have you for a Mom and Sister. We are purring for your family. You have always been one of our favorites and one of the first blogs we started reading, and we loved to read about Jakes adventures.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
I'm so sad on your behalf.Time will make things better.
Please accept our deepest condolonces on the loss of your precious boy Jake. It is never easy to lose one that you love so much. We had to help our Bounce to the Bridge in November and completely understand your feelings. Please take comfort in knowing that he loved you very much and you did the right thing.
Lucy, Trixie & Mom
Please accept our deepest condolonces on the loss of your precious boy Jake. It is never easy to lose one that you love so much. We had to help our Bounce to the Bridge in November and completely understand your feelings. Please take comfort in knowing that he loved you very much and you did the right thing.
Lucy, Trixie & Mom
We are so very sorry about Jake. We are sending you many purrs acn hugs of comfort. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Oh, leave it to us to add our comment to the wrong post when we're upset. We meant to leave one here the other day.
It is never easy to make such a choice, but sometimes humans have to put our best interest above their own desire to hold onto us even one more day.
Jake had a lot of friends! And he left a lot of happy memories.
Purrs and soft barks,
JFF -- Crystal, Cotton, Merci, Cyndi, Percy, Cameron, Buddy, Rusty & Sam
And hugs from Jan
mommie fin is crying right now, it's too painful to read... please accept our deepest condolence..
It has been a few days and we are late. We know that you are feeling the absence of Jake in the house every day now.
I think you did the right thing, and Caesar was there! He was there to take Jake over the bridge. I bet they are best buddies, Jake was a sweetieboy.
We LOVED reading this today. We know your pain so much. We are praying for all of you. Never ever forget that you are not alone. You are surrounded by love and we are here to gently guide you to this new life, new days, lots of lovely memories and pictures. Jake knew he was loved so much.
we've been a bit absent from the blogospere lately and i only just heard. i can't stop crying - jake and bathsheba feel so close to us - we are so very very sorry and our heart goes out to you. we think you did the right thing! jake can run with anastasia now - but he does leave that hole down here, that hole that never will be totally filled again.......
lots of love and purrs for you
karl's maid, speaking for all the cat realm
We are so sorry to hear about your loss. We loved Jake and reading about his adventures. He will be in our hearts. Big purrs, hugs and kisses to you and your family.
I found out about Jake's passing from his friend, Daisy the Curly Cat, and even though I never got to know Jake prior to this morning, I just wanted to let you & Bathsheba know how sorry I am for your loss. I read through your blog and write this through teary eyes, and know the pain of having to say "good-bye" to your furry Mancat, Jake because I too have had to do the same with a couple of my sweet furry friends over the years.
You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Nancy an Bathsheba, we herd bout Jake from Skeezix's mom. It's been hard to come ofur an say how sad we is cuz we knew Mom's eyes would leak an leak. We hasn't been bloggin as much lately but we hold you among our speshul furiends. Mom says yur tribute to Jake is lovely an yur deecishun was right. She's put one kitty to sleep an efun tho there was no question bout it, it was hard. Run fast an pain-free, Jake! We'll see you at the Bridge sumday.
Victor, Nina & Tabbymom Jen
Oh God I am so terribly sorry about your loss. What a heart-breaking situation and what an absolutely nightmarish decision to have to make.
You did the right thing. He is in heaven now with my family's dog, who had to be euthanized four weeks ago. they are up there running around and happy and healthy. try to think of it that way.
Bless you and I will be praying for you at this terrible time.
jaime smith
We know very well, the difficult process of making that unselfish decision for a beloved pet! ((((HUGS))))) to you! Rest in peace, dearest Jake!
Oh Nancy I am SO SO SO sorry to be late with my condolences. I was in Canada and I had no way of e-mail or even reading the blogs. Skeezix was able to let me know about his passing through a comment on my blog. I though of Jake all day on the mountain and imagined being so close to the ski that he was watching over me making sure I was safe.
I treasure the memories of Jake that you shared on your blog so often. He was so much like Chase in his love for his Dad and I remember when he left how hard it was on Jake. But Jake was such an amazing spirit that he overcame and got through it. I especially loved seeing pictures in the Spring and Fall of Jake outside enjoying the lovely weather. Seeing him with your gorgeous Spring flowers always gave me such hope.
You are all always in our thoughts and we mourn his passing with you. Your vet was correct that you gave him the BEST gift possible. You let him go and you were there with him. I'm not sure I will have that strength when the time comes but for my babies sake I know if I can be there I will have to be.
Many hugs and love! We'll write more to you when work is caught up. We know its been far too long and we keep meaning to write you all a long letter.
What a beautiful post! I did not know your beloved Jake, but recently had a similar experience with my darling cat, Boaz. I chose to euthanize only when he was very, very ill, but still struggle with the "second guesses". It was my first time actually being there for the euthanization, too. I miss him every day! I love that your vet called euthanization a "gift". This wonderful post is a gift to those of us that have gone through something similar, and a beautiful tribute to Sweet Jake.
We're so sorry that Jake had to leave...may the love that you shared comfort you always.
Happy Valentine's Day ...
Just coming by to send some purrs and love over to you!
Karl and the gang
Mmmmwhah, Here's a big kiss and hug for Valentines Day. Bathsheba, take good care of your humom.
That's a truly beautiful post. You are a credit to Jake's memory. I hope time will heal for you.
My Mom just came across your blog for Jake. It made her cry when she read it because it reminded her so much of losing my brother, Grady. She understands completely about tears and second-guessing, she still feels that way after 2 years. Her mind says she did the right thing, but her heart still sometimes wonders if something more could have been done. While the loss of Jake will always be with you, time will make it much easier to bear. Best wishes always...
Rusty and his Mom
I'm so sorry to learn of Jake's passing to the Rainbow Bridge. This is a wonderful tribute that you have written. Jake was a very handsome mancat. I'm so glad that you spent that last night with him snuggled on the couch. The Pablo Fan Club send our purrs to comfort you.
Monica for Phoebe and Joey too.
Thank you for stopping by and sending us pawsitive thoughts for Cal. Cal had a very good morning today and ate all of his breakfast! We pray this continues.
Thanks again for your kind words.
We're so sorry for your loss. Jake was a very special cat with a spectacular name. Please give Bathsheba an extra snuggle from us.
What a beautiful tribute. Jake would have been so proud
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