. . . when all these pretty leaves fall to the ground and Mom has to rake and blow and shred and rake and blow and shred and rake and blow and shred endlessly.

The front sidewalk fills with leaves and Mom tracks them in when she gets home from work.

My deck becomes a mess and leaves fly into my water dish. We have our deck built around a maple tree so lots of leaves fall on it.

But it's also a sad time when all the potted impatiens on the deck are killed by a freeze as they were the night before Veteran's Day. Late last month Mom brought inside all the house plants that summer on the deck. It's a ritual for them - six months inside and six months outside.

The same day that the impatiens croaked, Mom found blooms on the witch hazel (
Hamamelis virginiana) that she had just planted this spring. That turned her frown into a smile.
Today's weather is very weird. There was rain early, then it let up and was windy and warm (70 degrees F.) so I was outside with Mom as she took advantage of the weather and read her newspaper on the deck. It rained again just a little time ago and is supposed to get very cold here in the days ahead.

I like to be outside when it is warm and that Pesky Jake is inside.

Here's a parting shot of me. Notice the dirty spot on the door? That's from Jake who scratches on the door when he wants to go in, then prompty scratches on the other side when he wants to go out again.
Enjoy the weekend.
Labels: flowers, leaves
Wow, those are some big trees - they go up to the heavens! No wonder there are so many leaves ...
Thanks for visiting - you have a great weekend, also. (I hope it doesn't get TOO cold.)
I think the leaves are pretty! My humans went for a walk in Epping Forest this afternoon. Everything was red and gold, they said it was really pretty.
Happy weekend you two, I must say you both look loverly today!
Looks like someone is gonna be busy raking all those leaves! All of our trees are bare now...
Hope the rest of the weekend is good for you!
I'll bet it is very fun to listen to the leaves blowing all around! I think the change of seasons is very magical. Nothing changes where I live.
Jake's "dirty spot" is very funny!
Mum finally finished with the leaves today. She just shredded them all up, no blowing them to the street for pick up.
Gosh, you have so many leaves. They must be fun to skitter about in though!
Whicky Wuudler
Thank you for coming to mine party! I had fun!
All the leaves are falling off our trees too. We help mum rake them up, then I jump right in the middle of them and scat them everywhere. It's a fun game.
Oh fall has it's own beauty doesn't it. You were lucky to get to go out and wander around a bit.
O, so many leaves!!
The PM would love all of those leaves as she uses them as winter mulch. We have a huge yard but mainly evergreens and a few birches. She ends up "stealing" bags of leaves at the side of the road during trips to the city.
Purrs Goldie
Nearly winter again....
How time flies~!
Mom says your deck still loves beautiful...Hugs Ariel
Very pretty pictures! And your deck looks very nice with leaves on it.
We hope it warms up a bit for you, and have a great T-day too!
Luf, Us
glad the gud witches of hazel made yer lady smile! Wowzers, yoo guys have a squillion leeves arownd yoo. Yoo culd probublie build a leaf fort!!
And way too leeve yer mark on the door, jake. Hahaha
I luv yur pichurs! Happy Thanksgiving!
Jake an' Bathsheba!
I hope that you're havin' a wonderful Thanksgiving an' eatin' lots an' lots of yummy turkey!
Please tell your momma THANK YOU from mine for the really cute birthday card ... It brightened Mom's day an' the photo even looks a bit like you, Jake (meeooowww!).
Smooches from rainy San Diego!
DMM (an' the Feline Americans, too)
That looks very "autumnal" - it never looks like that here!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin, Naughty, Luna, Ruis and Karl
Our Mom also had to rake leaves this year because our new house has a lot of trees. Now it is getting cold though and we like to stay inside. I don't like the cold. Wish I could come over and snuggle.
~ Bubbles
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