Hospital Visit

Thank you all for your good wishes. They mean a lot.
Friday evening update: I am home and I feel MUCH better! Thank you for your positive thoughts.
Labels: hospital, sick stomach, vet
A blog by two cats who used to live in the same house in Northern Virginia. Unfortunately, they are both no longer with us.
Labels: hospital, sick stomach, vet
Glad to hear you're doing better, Jake... now let's hope you can go home soon.
We're glad you're feelin' a little better, Jake. I (Smeagol) had to stay overnight at the v-e-t early this year and it's no fun, but hopefully they'll be able to make you feel all better and you can go home tomorrow.
We're still sendin' you strong purrs.
Oh ... my ... goodness! Jake! Dood! I'm teleportin' right over to the hospital to snuggle with you!
I got your Christmas card today with the pretty pictures inside. Mom made me breathe in a paper bag a little 'cuz I got the vapors just a little bit from seein' your handsome self! Homina, homina ...
Smooches 'til I get there to snuggle!
Tons and tons of purrs for you Jake! We feel your pain and we really hope you get much better very soon!
Luf, Us
Jake, I really hope you are doing better very soon!
Jake we are purring and purring for you to get better soon so you can go home.
We hopes you feels better soon!
Hope you get feeling better and eating so you can go home. Purrrrrrrrrrrrs.
Mog, Meowza and Cece
Y'know Jake, Skeezix is right about pink, it does something for a mancat. I'm really glad you are feeling a bit better. I hope the amylase issue is something treatable like pancreatitis and you feel much better soon and can escape from the hospital and be back home with your Mom and Bathsheba
Rumbly Purrs to you fella
Whicky Wuudler
May this kitty soon return to full health and mischief.
Oh Jake! I just read about your not feeling well! I am glad that you are feeling better. I hope that you can come home soon!
Sending get well smoochies to you!
Oh Jake we hope you get better soon! The hospital is no fun at all. Hugs and Purrs.
We just read that you weren't feeling well and then we see that you are in the hospital...we sure hope you feel better today and are able to come back home. We will purr for you and wish for a complete recovery.
Oh Jake you know how I hate the hospital but sometimes the flooids are just the boost you need. You'll be home soon and feel much better I'm sure!!
noze kisses jake
Jake, we are purring that you feel better soon. Purrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Awww, Jake, we hope you feel better soon!
Jake, I sure hope you get to come home soon! You look so sad in there. I'm glad your mom got to visit you. Feel better soon, little dude! I am still purring for you.
Jake, we're purring and purring that you feel better super quick!
Oh Jake! This stinks. I'm so sorry you have to be at the icky VET overnight. We will purr and pray your VET finds out something simple is wrong with you and fixes you right up so you can go home.
Wow Jake! You got hearts on your pink leg thingy to match your name tag. How cool is that!
We are purring for you to get all better.
We is sorry yoo is feeling bad and even sorrier yoo hafta be in da hopspittal! We's purring hard fur yoo to get all better so yoo can go home where yoo belong.
Oh Jake...we hope you feel better soon so you can come home!
We just saw the update - you're home! We're so glad! And we're sorry you had to spend all that time in the Scary Place. Purrrrrrrrrrrrs!
Oh Jake! We didn't realize you were sick! I'm glad you're HOME and feeling better now. Vets sometimes refer to NQR Kitties - Not Quite Right. That's when we won't tell them what's wrong, even in tests.
Anyway, stay well, furiend! I didn't like my pills either, but if I didn't eat it in a pill pocket, Mom just popped it down my throat so fast, I was surprised and just purred! Victor's a sucker for Pill Pockets. There are new flavors from Greenies; you might like them.
Bathsheba, please be nice to Jake while he's not feeling well. Be a compassionate queen.
~ Nina
Jake, dude! Get well sooner! I see yur cage had a 'caution' tag - kewl!!! It's ok to sleep wif yur mom when yur feelin better. They's nice pillows.
~ Victor
I'm glad you are home and feeling much better Jake. Home is da best!
Rumbly purrs
Whicky Wuudler
I'm so glad you are back home and doing better. Purrs to you and your family. May you continue to heal speedily!
Tommy and I are catching up with blogging friends after a long period of computer incompetence on the part of our mom! We are getting her a "computers for dummies" book for Hanukkah...sheesh.
yay, you are home. Get better soonest.
We hope you are continuing to improve Jake.
Our Chris Mouse card has arrived. It's great, thank you.
We are glad that you are home! And we hope you feel all better and well now...
"Oh" I'm so glad your feeling better
"Hug" .
Jake and Bathsheba, we wish you and your humans a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
We hope Jack is all better now too!
Whicky Wuudler
Jake ... Are you totally better now an' ready to meet me under Mom's furry-fakey mistletoe for some smooches???
Merry Christmaus!
I is glad you're better Jake! I think the pink is awesome! I loves pink too! Get well soon! And happy christmas!
Doood! Merry Christmas!!!
We're so glad you got to go home before Christmas. Nothing worse than being left behind at the vet's.
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