Some of you think that Bathsheba is a really nice kitty. Well, I have news for you!

See where she is here? She is drinking out of a goblet in the plant window behind the kitchen sink. She got up there by jumping on her step stool to her chair to the counter next to her chair.

Now look more closely. See the circled items? (You may have to click to "biggify.") Those are
MEEZER parts. Two meezers used to hang on the sides of that goblet. Well, mean ol' Bathsheba knocked them off, breaking their legs! Just so she could drink from the goblet!

See how satisfied with herself she appears. She licked her chops afterwards.
And can you believe that Mom decided later to put the goblet down on the floor for Sheba to use as her personal water dish! I can't get over the fact that she wasn't punished for this cruel act on the ceramic meezers. She could probably get away with murder just because she's old.
Labels: Meezers, Naughty, Water Glass
Jake, I do believe that house rules state that it's perfectly ok for the eldest cat in the house to get away with everything and anything. They shall never be challenged and will always get their way. This is what my sister Angel tells me..
Mum thinks you are both beautiful and beyond reproach for anything you do!
Whicky Wuudler
Well, if it was left's free game...that's what we say!
Beins forgive kitties fer almos annything. We think mebbe it is a rool!
The elderly get away with everything!!!
Jake, when the elder cat wants something, the elder cat usually gets it. It's just one of those rules...
Yup, it's to do with age. We get away with lots of things, but cuz Kitty Yumbum wuz old, she used to get away with everything!
I am sure she didn't break the ceramic meezers delibertately. FAZ
Yay Sheba! Torties Rule! (Not Meezers, tee hee). Course you should haf yur water dish on the floor where it's convenient fur you.
As far as the Meezers go, there's always glue.
Hi Bathsheba! I read this post furry carefully to learn the most of it. I think I am a bit naughty, too - just like you. We happen to have very similiar fur colours!
Purrs, Chilli
Do not worry, Bathsheba, accidents happen. And it worked out good in the end since you get to drink from the goblet!
She broke the meezers so she doesn't have any competition in beauty AND make the humans put the goblet down for her because they'd think she 'accidentally' broke the meezers because of where the goblet was.
we know ALL about cat strategy - use it every day here. Successfully!
Now come on over to our birthday party for Ruis, belly dance, food, the whole thing.
Karl and Ruis at The Cat Realm
She does seem quite pleased with herself indeed!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Wow, 'Sheba ... You're talented! I think that efurrycat should drink her water out of a goblet if she wants to! Keep up the good work! We "older" girlies gotta stick together!
PeeSss: Smooches for Jake!
Git used to it Jake, geezers rool. And we know how to werk the sistem. So git over it alreddy.
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