Thursday 13 - Places Depicted on My Magnets

13 Places Depicted on My Magnet Collection:
- San Francisco, home of my good friends Rosie and Cheeto. I have two of the Golden Gate Bridge and one of a Victorian house. The Bay area is also home to a number of our blogging friends including Skeezix and his family and Kimo and Sabi.
- New York, home of Jeter, Kismet, Ariel, and Sammy and Miles (if it's the whole state, not just the big city).
- Maine, three magnets showing wild blueberries and a loon.
- Butchart Gardens, Victoria, British Columbia
- New Hampshire, one with enormous vishus deer called moose.
- Colorado, two with Rocky Mountains and wildflowers.
- Minnesota, one with a 3-D loon.
- Olympic National Park in Washington State.
- Zion National Park in Utah.
- Bryce National Park in Utah.
- Stowe, Vermont.
- Alaska, two of Denali National Park/Mt. McKinley and one of a wolf.
- Yosemite National Park in California, with Yosemite Falls. Unfortunately for Mom and Dad, the falls were dry when they visited in October of 2002.
Mom has camped in or near all of those places except for San Francisco, Butchart Gardens, and Minnesota. She wishes she had a Banff magnet; that's the most beautiful place she ever visited. She needs a Wyoming magnet; that's where she and Dad met.
I prefer to just get the magnets. I'd rather stay home. I now have a new Skeezix "biker dude" magnet. Isn't it great?
Blogger won't let me post photos tonight, and Mom and I have wasted a lot of time trying. Bummer! (Update, 3/31: now I have photos.)
Labels: Ariel, Jeter, Kimo and Sabi, Kismet, magnets, Rosie and Cheeto, Sammy and Miles, Skeezix, travel
Hi, you two! Those sure are a lot of nice places. I've never been outta Tennessee!
Come by my bloggie when ya get a chance -- I tagged you two for a meme, whichever one of you wants to do it!
Purrs and kittyhugs!
Yoo culd camp ovur at owr place in san francysco. We culd set up two chairs and put a blanket on top to make a tent!!! Kitty Slumbur party!
HEHEHE, I think the werd loon is funny...kinda reminds me of a kitty in a clown owtfit. Mane and Minnesoda sownd like thay are FULL of loons! -Cheeto
If yoo two evur wanna travul, I'll share my jetpack!!! -Rosie
Oh we haf a magnet collection too. We didn't know any ofer poodies did. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO
What a great TT!! The Lap Lady is from Maine originally. I bet your magnets are really cool all together!
That sounds like a very nice magnet collection you have! My Gramma lives in Wyoming (Casper).
Your magnet collection is quite diverse - my mom loves Utah; she thinks it's stunning there.
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