More Cousins
Mom decided to visit her brother and his family in the Richmond area on her way home from her trip to Virginia Beach. We have a lot of cousins there:

Toby could have come to live with us, but we didn't want to share our Mom and Dad with him. He visited us a few times and we didn't get along too well. He used to be Grandpa's favorite cat, but Grandpa died nine years ago. He loves our uncle, Mom's brother, but all those girl kitties are too much for him. He used to have a little dog named Oakley that he loved and a big white cat named Snowflake, but they both died. He liked to sleep next to Oakley, but he always had to wash her fur before he'd put his head against her. They used to like to play chase and run laps around the inside of Grandma's old house.
We're glad that Mom's back home. Dad took care of us while she was gone and was generous with food, like Grr, Midnight, and Cocoa said.
~Jake and Bathsheba
Wow, what a grate group of animuls yoo have in yer family. Between Chelsea, Juni-purr and Toby yoo have sooo manie cousins!!
what a lotta cute cousins ya got! we're so glad yur dad's one of those treat-overdoers! now the next step is ta let yur mom know how jen-er-us yur dad wuz wif the treats an then she's gonna think that maybe you'll like him better cuz of that an then she'll try ta give you effun more treats than he did. we herd that's called "playin one side 'gainst the offur".
hey, i'm not just beautiful, i'm the most athletic cat in the family and i can take rags in a wrestling match any day of the week.
I am the King!
Oh, your cousins must live near us. We're in Richmond too. Too bad we have to get in the PTU (Prisoner... errrrr... poodin... Trandport Unit) to go anywhere, or we could go visit. I don't like that box much at all though. We got your linky up now, sorry we'd left it off. :( If you know of anycat else we missed, please let us know. We don't want to leave anycat out!
That's a great family! Especially the meezer fellow but I guess if he's not so friendly he wouldn't be fun to be around.
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