Happy New Year and Happy Birthday B Kliban!
Happy New Year, Everybody!
Mom is a big fan of Kliban and his cats. We tried to research him on the internet because we know that he died before we were born. He actually died one year to the day before I was born - August 12, 1990. We searched for his actual birthdate, but most sites just listed the year. Since the "Dead or Alive" website listed his birthdate as January 1, 1935, we decided to honor him for New Year's Day. Mom gathered some of her Kliban stuff and then asked us to pose on the big "Mousies" beach towel. Jake got to go first:

He's trying to pretend that he's a blues guitarist as well. Here are the lyrics: "Love to eat them mousies, Mousies what I love to eat. Bite they little heads off . . . Nibble on they tiny feet."
I joined him at the top of the towel, next to the original Cat book. Mom's edition is all yellowed; it's from 1975 when she was still in high school!

Mom also has a Kliban San Francisco cat T-shirt, a Supercat pot holder, and a couple of mugs.
We salute Kliban for his cutting edge cartoons and wish he were still with us. One of his definitions of cat is "One Hell of a nice animal, frequently mistaken for a meatloaf." We don't quite see the humor in that, but Mom thinks it's funny.
We wish everyone a warm, healthy, well-fed, and Happy New Year!
P.S. Our secretary has been pretty busy lately so we haven't been able to visit as many of our friends' blogs as we'd like. We'll see you in 2007!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you.
My mom used to have one of Kliban's books - she loved the funny sayings!
Happy New Year!
I love Kliban's drawings, too. There were a series of jigsaw puzzles made from them and I think I have all of them. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Love Kliban's Cats.
Happy New Year!
Were embarrassed cause we nevur hurd of B. Kilban...but we googled the name and fownd such cul pickturs of kitties and owr lady says thare chubby like us...NOT FUNNY **hrumph**.
Aniways, thanks fur telling us abowt B. Kilban. We'd rite more but we gotta check owt the gallery on eatmousies.com!
happy mew year to you both! sorry you din't make it to the party last night, but there'll be others--an' we'll make up for it then!!
best fishes for a wonderful 2007!
nels, ed, nitro, & xing lu
luv to eet dem mousiez ...
laffin an laffin!
thanx fer remindin mi mom abowt da grate kliban catz. she haz lottsa stuff jus like yer mom.
dat "meatloaf" reference makes me think uv mi brudder mickey!
happee noo yeer!
tuna juice in 2007!
luv--yer grate frend--jh
Happy New Year and thanks for stopping by. I am a polydactyl, too. Momma calls me Toes and Big Toed Wonder, among other things. She says she loves my big feetsies.
The Woman just gasped "OH!" because she used to have that same towel, plus another one like it, and was really bummed when someone stole them from her at the gym she worked at.
Hide them, or she might come and "find" them from you!
Oh! I gotta go look up Kliban now! My OTW says she remembers him, but I don't!
Happy New Year to all of you from all of us!
Happy New Year! :) My mom think Kliban's drawings are funny too!
All the best to you and your family in 2007.
Happy New Year, Jake and Bathsheba!
our Lady's Grampa is a big fan too. he quotes that "Mousies" thing an our Lady always wondered where it came from.
Happy New Year!
Happy new year! What a cool Kliban collection. We love your non-resolutions. Mommy and I are resolving that we are going to "feel good" this year. That means just chillin', right up my alley!
Take care!
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