Man Cat Monday's New Car

Here's a closer view of me. I must say that the dashboard has plenty of room. If I didn't think that I'd be catnapped, I might take a snooze on it. But it is a car after all, and I don't like to go for rides in cars.
Mom apparently got over her aversion to the space age design of the Prius and broke down and bought one. At least it's better than that Camry she drove that was as old as Bathsheba.
This makes My Lady want a new car. I do not like car rides either. I find them unnecessary.
I am impressed! And I *do like to go for rides in cars!
Yer lady sure does luk happy with her new moovabul Pree-yus mashene. She's vary pretty. We bet it had a grate new mooveabul mashene smell to it!
And wow, Jake, Yoo luk like a natchural dashbored ornimunt in yer lady's new car. Wuldn't that be supur funny if yoo got B'Sheba to put hur hoo-la owtfit on and jiggle on the dashbored?!?!? HAHAHAHA, that'd be sooo funny!
The Prius is a great car! My humans hope to buy a hybrid when they move back to Canada and my mom is done with school.
You look great checking out your mom's new car, Jake. :)
Wowww~! Your mommy's new car is so cool~!!!!
I think you really want to check every detail to make sure this car is good for your mommy~! You are doing a great job.
Very attractive color, and the interior looks very fun to play in! I love all of the buttons and little windows.
Purrrs, Princess
Cool!! We like the new car a lot, I think its great she got a new car. We hear really good things about the Prius. I hope she really enjoys it and its lucky you inspected it so well.
Oh what a nice new car. I like to see cars FROM HERE. Not in them...
What a great new car! And I read that according to the EPA's recently revised testing procedures, the 2007 Prius is the most fuel efficient car sold in the U.S! So your mom is helping the environment. And it's a pretty color, too.
Jake, you are such a Mancat to check out the automobile! I'll bet you are going to check under the hood, too!
Wow! She actually let you check out her new car?! Cool!
Did she let you take it for a test drive? I know you said you didn't like to *ride* in cars, but *driving* is a whole new ball of wax. :)
Wow, Jake! I don't even know much about cars. Great man cat post!
I posted about my big advenchur so you guys can come read all about it!
That's a lovely car. I've only been in one car in my life, and that was Sunday night when the Lady and the teenagers took me off the streets and put me in there. I didn't much enjoy the ride, and I made a nice big claw puncture in the door panel.
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