Man Cat Monday
Sometimes men and man cats do things that aren't especially attractive. Many male athletes engage in manly but uncouth behaviors. Such it is with scratching. Here's a photo of my man cat brother Jake engaging in his scratching ritual.

Labels: Jake, Man Cat, scratching
Oh my, I'm glad yoo brawt that up b-Sheba cause Cheeto does that scratchy thing too!! Not onlie does he scratch thowse "unmenchunabules" but he also...ummm...well, I can't even say it cause I share the same fud bowl as him! YUCK! Why are mancats so growss!!!
Yer Gurl Friend Who Agrees With Yoo,
I think Jake is doin what comes natural for a man cat. I even do that sometimes.
Mom says the weather is lovely in DC, only she hasn't been able to get out and enjoy it!
:::Leans back & licks self:::
Oh, like us mancats are the only one who do that... ;)
Sometimes you just have to scratch an itch! I usually only scratch my ears though. Then my humans know it's time to clean them!
You gotta scratch! Like Dragonheart, my ears need to be cleaned so I start scratching them when its time to get the q-tips.
Yep, me too! I scratch at my ears until I make little red marks. Then it's time for Q-tips and cleaning solution. Yech. I would rather just scratch.
i'm a boycat, but nobuddy'll let me skratch cuz i skratched a hole unner my chin an had no furs there. then they clipped my claws an changed my food an now i duzzn't skratch much an my fur's growin' back. the Lady sez she's just glad cats duzzn't sit 'round belchin' like men duz.
Wow Jake, you could be G.T.'s long lost twin brother!! That's a great photo of you scratching.
Luf, Us
What's wrong with scratching like that?
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