Fun for Friday
A couple of weeks ago Mom and I had a great time playing with my crinkle ball. I received it as part of the party pack from Skeezix back in September. Mom would throw it, and I would either catch it or bat it around from my throne in the cat room.

But then we got more adventuresome and moved on to the rest of the house.

But the sad thing is, the ball was lost by the end of the evening. We don't know where it went. I think Kaze has the same problem.
I really liked that crinkle ball, and it's the first one I ever had. Mom, will you please buy me another? Or else clean out the clutter in this house so that we can find it!
Update, 1/28: My dear ol' Dad confessed that he threw out my crinkle ball! He thought it was part of leftover Christmas wrapping stuff and put it in the trash! Can you imagine! Well, I got a new ball over the weekend, so I guess I forgive him.
i hav a skeezix crinkle ball, too. i think i'll take it owt an lend it to mi noo brudder matsui.
i think he would like it.
It's so sad that you lost your crinkle ball. I hope you find it soon.
All of our crinkle balls have been disappearing also - maybe these balls are all congregating in some central place?
I hope your find it...nothing worse than lost toys.
~Meg & Jack (The Guyzos)
Our Mom constantly have to move furniture to find our toys and sometimes live mice Bubbles brings in. She says bad words when the live mice escape under the refrigirator.
I'm always losing my toys. I think they go to the same place Mom keeps losing her socks....
Hey, we lose ours alla time. Mom hassa move dads junk around ta find em.
We luf how u puttin da moves on yur crinkle ball in doze fotos. U r curlin yur liddle toesies rite around it!!
Luf, Us
Oooo! I wanna play! I wanna play! I wanna play!
Great photos! That crinkle ball looks like lots of fun. :) I'll have to see if I can get my humans to buy me one!
Sorry to hear your dad threw out your crinkle ball. :( Glad to hear you got a new one! Enjoy!
We haf crinkle balls like dat too, an yes thay are fun to play wiv.
Oh no!! I feared this may be the fate of your krinkle ball when you mentioned that I often have that problem. The Tall Man has thrown out my toys before (by accident, they all claim it was an accident) and I was SOOOO sad. I don't know where my krinkle ball is...or any of my sparkle balls for that matter...hmm...time to make the LL go hunting!
the Lady found my crinkle ball for me last night, so I had to carry it all around the house while grrrrrrring at everybody. crinkle balls are the next best thing to fev-vers.
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