Living with The Grinch

Hmm, so Jake is in cohoots with THE GRINCH. Look how cozy they are together. The Grinch is even petting Jake on the back. Maybe they're plotting a Christmas overthrow. And what's with those eyebrows? Is he related to our Virginia Governor?
Wait a minute, Mom! Why are you putting those Tempation Treats right by that nasty Grinch? You KNOW how much I hate him! Why, when I was a young kitty, I used to grab that Grinch by his face and drag him down the stairs. Remember how you used to come home and find him lying in odd places around the house? You eventually locked him up in the closet where he belonged. But you know how I can't resist Temptations!

It's brainwashing, I say! You've got me eating out of his hand!

The whole world's gone mad.
Very Christmassy pictures!
I'm glad you finally got to see my video where I became a star! Thanks for your comment!
Yoo'd better watch that Grinch. He's got an evull look in his eye. He may be frends wiv the vishus deer an plotting sumfing wiv them. BE KEERFULL
You were bribed, so go put the bitely on that old Grinch.
Come on, everyone. Don't you remember that the Grinch's heart grew THREE SIZES that Christmas Day. He's a good guy now! Why, he, himself, carved the roast beast!
I did put the bitey on that ol' Grinch! Mom came downstairs this morning to find the Grinch in the middle of the floor. Guess who put him there?
That thing looks scary! I don't think I'd like to touch it at did say there were Temp-tay-shuns....I guess I would try!
Oooh, that's a nasty plot. Being bribed with Temptations to get near the Grinch is just eeevil. I hope you put the bitey on him real good.
our Lady loves the Grinch, but we fink he looks purrty scary. howeffur...anyfing fur Temptations...
Jake you are very brave, that Grinch looks very scary.
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