The Jungle is Dead

Last night it was so cold that the jungle on our deck died.
Mom said that it was in the 20s. Even the water in my dish froze. Dad took a lot of the jungle plants into the house a week or two ago, but there wasn't room for everything.


I'm going to miss my jungle, but Mom promises that I'll have a new one in the spring.
We still have a pretty dogwood tree in our front yard:

And our backyard world still looks bright and cheery

our patio looks like that too. poor dead jungle
hey, guys? you was lookin' for little canadian tara? her new bloggie is at we're tellin' skeezy, too, so he can help get the word out!
purrs, the meowers
peeyess: yup; all our veggytation has croaked, too. had a hard freeze earlier this week, and yards and gardens all look pretty sad now. *sigh*
oh drat: if you can't see it, that last part of tara's url should be:
Thanks, Nels, Ed, Nitro and Xing. I was hoping that Tara got to go home from the shelter, but it looks like her family has to find an apartment first.
Jake- This is a horruble travustie. We hope yer lady builds a jungle inside so yoo have a place to play. Tell her to build it near yer thrown!!
Bathsheba- Wow, yer peeple must have been vary vary busy. Eggspeshullie yer dad...he must have vary gud lungs to blow all thowse leeves away!
we fink you should leaf the leafs rite where they are. they look purrty. we're sorry 'bout yur jungle gettin' all froze an all. sum areas near us is offur 100 deegrees today. ya wanna trade?
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