I don't know what's wrong, but I just don't feel like eating. Mom worries because this is SO out of character for me. I haven't been feeling very good for a couple of weeks. None of my foods appeal much to me. I still like Temptations so Mom decided to feed my regular crunchy food to me by hand and I liked that--I just didn't eat very much. Mom also came home to some barf today--undigested, of course.
Mom took me to the vet one evening last week and he couldn't find anything wrong with my vitals. He decided to treat me for gastritis and he gave Mom this awful liquid stuff (Cimetidine) to give me twice a day. I put up a fight so most of the stuff just got on my fur; Mom decided to stop forcing it on me two days ago. She worried because I didn't even clean it off my fur. Well, it tastes icky; why would I want my tongue to wipe it?
Today I did something that I'm sorry about: I bit Mom hard on her index finger. She was on her third try to force the thyroid pill Tapazole down my throat when I let out a cry and then bit her. We both cried. She said that her finger still throbs and it's her mouse clicking finger. She was glad that a document she was supposed to sign today at work had a typo because the finger started bleeding again (under the bandage) and she got blood on the paper.
Anyway, back to me. I have an appointment for my regular blood work for my hyperthyroidism on January 10. I don't know if I'll stand for my medicine any more. I used to let Mom put pill pieces in my Fancy Feast and I would eat them just fine. Then I got tired of FF. I liked the pill pockets for a while and now I like them even better because I've discovered how to eat the yummy treat and leave the pill behind! I used to be cooperative (for a kitty!) when she would put the pill down my throat, but no more Mr. Nice Kitty from me.
Oh, what to do? Mom doesn't know whether she should take me back to the vet tomorrow or just give me love and attention. At least she is taking tomorrow off! I slept close to her on the bed last night and that is something I didn't use to do. (I didn't know what I was missing!) She is nice and warm.
Well, if anyone can give us advice on what I should do or what might be wrong with me, please leave us some comments. It sucks feeling sick.
Update from Bathsheba, 12:30 p.m., Dec. 18:Jake is in the hospital.Well, of course, Mom took Jake back to the vet. Jake's vitals, like his temperature, were all normal, but he lost a pound of weight. They did blood work and all that was abnormal was some kind of amylase levels. He could have pancreatitis or something worse that begins with a C. He will stay in the hospital for some fluids and medication. The vet will call Mom later today with an update. Even I want my pesky brother to feel better.Labels: sick stomach, vet