Hi, Everyone! Yes, we are still around! Mom has been too busy with "things" to help us blog and comment, but we have lurked in the background trying to keep up with some of you.
We were so saddened to hear of the passing of
Bonnie Underfoot. Her situation with Victor was similar to mine with Jake.
See this beautiful sink here? Well, we are on a road trip right now. Like last December, we are in North Carolina at Mom's sister's house. Mom is chaperoning her 17 and 18 year old nieces to ensure that this house does not become "party central" while Mom's sister and brother-in-law celebrate their 25
th wedding anniversary at their beach house. We have settled in nicely even if our two cousin kitties aren't very welcoming. Hisses all around!

Last week Mom had me pose on the fence just like
Jake did last year. I wasn't too happy about being put up there (it's six feet high) so I gave Mom a nice scratch.

No birdies here this year.

I guess I should tell
everyone about Jake. He has been VERY SICK. He wasn't eating, was very lethargic, and did quite a bit of spitting up. Mom got very worried, but didn't take him to the vet until Monday, May 19. He had to stay overnight in the hospital for tests and treatment. He had a fever of 104.5. They decided he had an infection and put him on antibiotics. The doctor thought that it might be related to gingivitis because his dental hygiene suffered ever since he started on Fancy Feast so Mom could hide pills for his hyperthyroidism in the wet food. (I will only eat crunchy dry food.) He also was given an IV because he was dehydrated.
Mom brought Jake back home on Tuesday night and had to give him antibiotics in addition to his Tapazole for hyperthyroidism. The doctor also wanted Jake to have some plain yogurt to reestablish to good bacteria in his tummy and he gave Mom some bland prescription canned food. Jake would have none of it! His lack of appetite continued so Mom took him back to the vet on Friday. Another vet in the practice gave Jake a full exam, reviewed the blood test results, and consulted with the first vet. They decided that maybe Jake had a bile buildup that may be caused by a gall stone. They immediately suspended the antibiotic treatment and put Jake on another medication called Ursodiol and added some chicken flavoring and something that would restore the good bacteria like yogurt would. ANYWAY, he is feeling MUCH better and is eating again. Mom is so relieved. Everyone knows that I don't like him, but I would feel very bad if anything happened to him. He is my brother, after all.
We don't think that we will ever get to blog much any more. Mom's love life has taken a turn in her favor and she is also busy with work and activities. (She even took the day off and hiked Old Rag Mountain on Thursday, Daisy!) She prefers that her quality time with us to be sans computer. We miss all our wonderful friends, but will continue to try to check in periodically even if we cannot comment.
Cheers from Wake Forest, NC!
Labels: Birdies, Bonnie Underfoot, roadtrip, sick stomach
Oah Dear~~ Beside you have very busy mommy, just looking at Jake's condition already makes me wooden in front of the monitor!!!!
Oah Dear~!!!! I am so glad Jake is back eating again!!!!!!!!
Oah Dearest Jake and Bathsheba, I am praying and purring for both of you very hard, wishing you are continue being healthy and happy all around!!!!!
And so is your mommy as well~!
My mom also very busy lately, wish you are all ok!
Oh, we are so glad that Jake is doing better. That sounded scary.
Our Mom is not letting us blog much more either, but as you can see we still read the blogs occasionally.
Have fun in NC.
Holy cats! Poor Jake, I am so happy he is doing better! We had been worried about the two of you and we're happy that your Mom is happy.
Smooches and take care. We do miss you.
We are so sorry to hear that Jake was so sick! We are very glad he is doing better. Sending healing purrs his way!
O, what a wonnerful surprise... you're back. Really missed you's both.
Happy Memorial Day!
***** HUGS ******
Love & Purrs from KC & The Sherwood Bunch
Bathsheba ... Thank you so much for posting. I was furry worried 'bout you 'cuz you weren't sayin' anything on your bloggie. I can understand now how terribly busy you all were.
THANK GOODNESS Jake is feelin' better. How scary!
Jake, sweetie ... Please continue to get better an' stronger. Smooches to you!
Enjoy your "vacation" to NC.
I am so happy to hear from you! Poor Jake, I am relieved to know that he is doing much better now. I miss you loads, but am very glad that the reason you are not blogging so much is because things are going so well with your mom. That makes me feel glad for her!
I hope the hike on Old Rag Mountain was fun. My Mommie remembers it was very strenuous!
I am glad to hear what's happening with you! And to know that you are okay.
I am happy that things are going so well for your person!
It's very good news that Jakes is feeling better now. And that fence looks like fun, even though it's high. Bet there are lots of birdies there. You will see some soon!
We reely miss yoo a lot but we understand abowt bizzy moms. The FL has NO TIME to help me blog lately, and it suks. I'm vary glad yer ladey is having a luv life. That's werth not blogging so much.
Oh, and I furgot to say I hope Jake gits better reeely soon. We will be purraying for him!!!!
Tapazole suks. But I gess it's better then the alternutive.
Hey now, we were worried about you... thanks for the update, and we're glad to hear both Jake's health and your Mom's love life are improving.
It's understandable that your posts will be slowing down at this time. Just keep in touch every so often, and we hope the news continues good for y'all...
You had me so worried about Jake! I'm very glad he is feeling better.
Don't worry about not being able to post as much - you have good reasons for not being around here! Thanks for the update. I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well - and congrats to your mom on her lovelife!
We know you guys are around reading :). I'm not happy to hear that Jake was so sick! I'm glad the vets made him feel better. That's great news about your mom's love life!!!!!
We are glad to hear that Jake is doing better. We miss you but understand that you can't blog as often anymore. Maybe a once a month update???
Take care of yourselves and let us know how you are when you can.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
We are purraying and purraying for Jake to be all healed up!
We haven't been able to visit our friends much either, so we understand. As long as you're getting enough Mom-time, then it's all good. :)
We are sorry to hear that Jake has been so ill, and are glad that he is doing better now. We have missed you, but we unnerstand about being bizzy.We are glad too that your mum's love life is taking a good direction. Just ask her you help you blog occasionally so we know you are ok.
I'm sorry to hear that Jake has been sick, but I'm glad he's feeling better. I hope he continues to improve every day!
Sounds like your mom is doing well, too. Hope you all can stay in touch every now and then!
Yes, I have been missing you two.
I am glad that your mom is happy but really.... that is a crummy excise to not let you blog! haha
Have a great rest and enjoy the sunny days.
Stopping by to say that I'm glad to hear that Jake is better, and that's actually good that your mom has a love life! :)
Hey, Jake, how're ya doin'? We hope yer gitting better!
I'm really glad that Jake's better. It's good that your mom is busy, but don't let her forget that she's your servant.
Oh dear...sowwy to hear that Jake has been so sick. But I'm gwad he's better now!
Yikes! We're sorry to hear Jake was so sick, and we sure hope he's all better by now. We know how your mom feels about the computer (except that our Lady prefers to have NO love life) - we mostly only get to use it while she's at work. Nights and weekends she's busy with errands, the teenagers, and cuddling us. Purrrrrs to all of you!
Hi Jake and Bathsheba,
We haven't stopped by in a long time. I hope since you posted that Jake continue to feel better and better. Being sick is no fun. Tommy and I are sending warm healing thoughts.
Purrs to you all,
Shilgiah and Tommy
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