Little Boy Kitten to Big Man Cat Jake
To celebrate my upcoming 13th birthday, Mom was looking through my baby pictures.
This little fuzzy kitten turned into

Big Man Cat Jake!
Happy Man Cat Monday!
P.S. Don't ever use exclamation points in the "labels for this post." Blogger won't accept that character and will kick out your whole post. There was no recovery. We had to start from scratch, and this time Mom made me shorten it. Bummer.
OH MY GUDNESS, luk at that ball of fur with ears a tale and fore legs! HAHAHAHA, it's a little Jake whose ears are HUGE!
Yoo were a lil cutie then, and yer a BIG ManCat Cutie now!
Happy Birthday coming up, Jake! You were such a cute kitten, but you're definitely a handsome man cat!
Happy Birthday, Jake. You were a cute kitten, and now a very handsome man-cat.
Jake, you are such a handsome mancat. Happy almost birthday!
PS we never lost a post, but did have trouble with the ! in labels.
Oh Jake, you were so tiny and cute! Now you're so big and manly. Yeah, the !!! thing makes us mad too. We found if you hit the back button sometimes its all still there.
One more day until your birthday!!!! Look at the baby Jake! You were too little for your furs! I love how they stick out like a little porcupine.
Awwww yoo were a little sweetie, and now yer a big handsome mancat.
Wow, even when you were little you had big man-catly paws and whisker-humps!
Happy Birthday, Jake. My OTW wants to know if your mom will give you a head-smooch for her.
We luf baby pictors!!! Happy 13th Birthday tomorrow Jake!!
And thank you for wishing me a Happy 17th Birthday!! We could almost be brudders frum a different mudder!
Luf, Us
What a tiny boy you were, Jake!
You all make me blush! Thank you for your compliments. I can only attribute my good looks to my beautiful cat mother.
Latte, we did try that "back button" trick to no avail. We're just fortunate that it didn't happen to us with a really long post. Mom would have used a lot of the bad words on Skeezix's list if that had happened.
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