Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Snapshot Saturday

Maybe if I take this shortcut, I can get away from her.

No such luck!

How do those celebrities cope?

Maybe if I escape to the back yard . . .

But, no! Not even the clover brought me any luck in shaking this stalker.

I hoped that leaving the garden and retreating to my deck would do the trick, but she was persistent.

Maybe I should just cooperate and give her a good pose.
Who all of the cats have come to know
She writes really good lines
And they’re all about felines
Now she needs some time to nurse her toe.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Bathsheba's Tortie Tuesday

Labels: Tortie Tuesday
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Mancat Monday with Jake

Here I am surveying my kingdom. I've posted a similar pose before, but this time the flowers are in bloom in the background.
Labels: Man Cat, spring flowers
Strolling Sunday with Bathsheba

Labels: spring flowers
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Mom's Report to Us
Mom returned home late last night, and we required a full report. She showed us lots of pictures from her trip, but we still think that her time would have been better spent with us here at home. You be the judge.

Early Thursday morning, before the conference sessions, Mom went for a walk down to Colonial Williamsburg, where she saw some sheep with blue rear ends!

As part of the conference, the group toured the Jamestown settlement. This year marks its 400th anniversary, and a major celebration, complete with respective appearances by Queen Elizabeth II and President Bush, will take place May 11-13. (Click to biggify to read the sign.)

Here is one of the buildings inside the Jamestown fort. A man is repairing the roof.
Once the conference, complete with classes, a business meeting, and a big banquet, was over, Mom went for a walk around her old college campus. (One of Caesar and Prinnie's girls is a current student.) This was Friday, the day of mourning for the Va. Tech massacre, and VT emblems were posted over W&M's signs.

This is Crim Dell pond, where there was a banner for Va. Tech as well as one for Project Hope relating to Honduras.

After her stroll around campus, Mom went to CW ("Colonial Williamsburg"), but couldn't proceed very far down DOG ("Duke of Gloucester" not a real d-o-g) Street because of some movie-making. Mom didn't ask for details, but she took a couple of photos.

The smells from the catering trailers were yummy. Too bad we couldn't have explored THAT.

Mom's brother and family have four* cats and one dog. Rags, the dog, got in front of the camera just as Mom pushed the button to take a picture of one of the cats. We think this is a funny picture.

Here is Mom's youngest niece, who is 12. She just got braces for her teeth that day, and her mouth was sore. She's holding Sophie, the youngest cat in the household.
Labels: bluebells, Gizzy, Jamestown, Juni-Purr, Lilly Lu, Poe, Rags, Va Tech, Williamsburg
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Time for Tortie Tuesday

Watch out, Jake, here I come!
We may not be able to visit or blog much in the next few days because Mom is working on a project, and then she is going away to a conference. We'll be thinking about everyone, though!
Labels: Tortie Tuesday
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Sleepy Sunday
Oh, it was a day for sleeping! Cold and rainy outside, it was warm and snuggly inside.

Bathsheba told everyone about my little indiscretion yesterday. I just can't help it! Anyway, I didn't mind being out on the deck despite the chill. I could keep my eye on the bird feeders. If you biggify this picture and look at the middle feeder, you can see a white-breasted nuthatch. They're cool little birds that descend upside down from trees. Here he is hanging onto the wire mesh that holds a cake of suet on the bottom of this feeder. Dad made it to try to keep the starlings out of it. The other suet feeder to the right does a pretty good job at that too.

Mom made me include another photo of the garden, and since she is helping me blog, I thought that I'd indulge her. There are mostly Virginia bluebells in this bed, and the yellow blooms are wood poppies.
Labels: birds, spring flowers, This was a boring day but I do like getting my rest.
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Last night we didn't get to blog because Mom decided that she wanted to watch the DVD The Three Lives of Thomasina with me instead. Skeezix's Food Lady sent it to Mom, who hadn't seen it since she was a little girl.
Isn't Thomasina a beautiful ginger kitty? Gingers are rarely females; maybe that's why she was originally named Thomas.

Anyway, Mom and I snuggled in and watched the movie. Mom got those leaky eyes that everyone always talks about, but she had a box of tissues at the ready. I did my best to console her because I knew that everything would turn out well for Thomasina. Why? Well, because she's a CAT.
Today we hung around the house. Jake got in a bit of trouble this morning because Mom found something that he had peed on. She tried to clean it up with vinegar before Dad found out, but he smelled the vinegar so she told him. Jake had to go and stay out on the deck for a few hours, but was back in the house soon thereafter because he's a craftly little charmer.
It was another cold spring day, and there was a bit of rain. Mom and Dad had wanted to go on a wildflower walk, but with the overcast weather and forecast for rain, they stayed home. The beautiful little spring beauties (Claytonia virginica) that complement the Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica) along the banks of the Bull Run only open their petals in full sunshine.
Later tonight and tomorrow, it is supposed to rain hard, and wind will follow for the next couple of days. Despite the low temperatures, the flowers in our yard look beautiful.

In the foreground are Phlox stolonifera (sherwood purple) and the blue clump behind contains Virginia bluebells.

These are non-native trout lilies, aka dogtooth violets. The native variety is difficult to cultivate in a garden.
Mom likes to garden, and I like to help her by just keeping her company out there--when the weather is nice.
Labels: Skeezix, spring flowers, Thomasina
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thursday Thirteen-Siamese Rescue Prize Pack!
Mom has been working late this week, and we haven't been able to blog or visit our friends. Last night she got home after midnight, and Dad was already asleep. She found a package addressed to us on the kitchen table. It was from the Siamese Rescue Store and contained prizes that Skeezix sent to us for finishing second in his 800th post contest. Mom opened it and put the contents on the floor for me to examine. There were catnip toys, a banana and a heart, and a bag of primo catnip! Thus, today's Thursday Thirteen is a collection of 13 photos of us with our new toys. Thanks, Skeezix!

Ahh, I'm feeling no pain!

So why did Mom have to invite Jake inside?

He proceeded to tear up the bag of catnip so Mom confiscated that for the time being.

Labels: Siamese Rescue, Skeezix, toys