Some of you think that Bathsheba is a really nice kitty. Well, I have news for you!

See where she is here? She is drinking out of a goblet in the plant window behind the kitchen sink. She got up there by jumping on her step stool to her chair to the counter next to her chair.

Now look more closely. See the circled items? (You may have to click to "biggify.") Those are
MEEZER parts. Two meezers used to hang on the sides of that goblet. Well, mean ol' Bathsheba knocked them off, breaking their legs! Just so she could drink from the goblet!

See how satisfied with herself she appears. She licked her chops afterwards.
And can you believe that Mom decided later to put the goblet down on the floor for Sheba to use as her personal water dish! I can't get over the fact that she wasn't punished for this cruel act on the ceramic meezers. She could probably get away with murder just because she's old.
Labels: Meezers, Naughty, Water Glass