Jake and Bathsheba

A blog by two cats who used to live in the same house in Northern Virginia. Unfortunately, they are both no longer with us.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Special Post

Hello, dear friends!

We have not blogged in such a LONG time! This is a very special post, and not just because it's our first one since June. If you are the first to guess just why this is a special post, our Mom will make a donation in your name to your favorite animal charity and award you a prize too.


I just want to shout about this special post, but I'm also tired, so I'll just lie here and yell.

Maybe I should enter the Monty Q contest if it's not too late.


Have any of you seen the beautiful Smilla from Germany? She looks like me and I am honored that she visited our blog this past week.

Mom promises that she will start letting us post and visit friends more regularly--perhaps weekly. We had a very sick home computer for a while. The computer lady doctor had to make it well. The McAfee anti-virus messed everything up so badly that we could not even log into our mail or into blogger! And just going online took forever! We have an old computer and it needed more memory. The computer lady told Mom what to order and she was able to install it all by herself.

We are so pleased that you stopped by to visit us. Be sure to make a guess about this special post.


We have a winner! Please see the comments.

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At Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:29:00 AM, Blogger Skeezix the Cat said...

I'm betting yer mom is gitting merried to her own Mr Tasty Face. If that's the case, make shur to taste his face beefore she tize the not!

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:29:00 AM, Blogger Skeezix the Cat said...

Oh, and have her git in tuch with me for sugjeschuns on kyoot bridesmades dresses!

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 1:16:00 AM, Blogger Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Skeeze, yoo big doof, it's 'Sheba's 17th berthday. 17-yeer-olds ROCK!!!! Welcome to geezerhood, 'Sheba!

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 1:38:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We think Rocky's got it right, so we looked in your archives and found the 8/12 post that Bathsheba turned 16, so that would make her 17 on Tuesday! Though we sure hope Skeezix is right too, if that's what your mom wants. Purrsonally, we hope it's both, plus a big lottery win!

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 1:39:00 AM, Blogger Lux said...

I think it's your blogoversary, because you started not long before me. ???

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 2:19:00 AM, Blogger Jake and Bathsheba said...

Nope, none of the above. If I get to post on the 12th, then that post will be SUPER special.

Keep guessing. Maybe it's not THAT special, but we did think that it was significant.


At Sunday, August 10, 2008 5:27:00 AM, Blogger Motor Home Cats said...

Are you getting a new sibling?
Or are you moving? Those are the only things we can think of this late.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 5:37:00 AM, Blogger Daisy said...

I am glad you are back! I missed you a lot. Could it be your 200th post?

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 6:52:00 AM, Blogger Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We thought it might be your second blogoversary, but that's not until later in the month so maybe Daisy is right about your 200th post.
Are you getting a blurpy?

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 8:54:00 AM, Blogger Parker said...

I have no idea what it may be, but I am going to guess that you are moving to a new house.
Whatever it is, I am happy for you and it's good to see you again!

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 9:55:00 AM, Blogger Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

We're glad you're back! Is it your 300th post? (We're bad at guessing.)

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 11:41:00 AM, Blogger Chrissie said...

Ummmm, is it your Gotchaversary? Or maybe you're moving? I dunno..but it's good to see you again!

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:22:00 PM, Blogger michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah My God~!!
Dearest dearest Jake and Bathsheba
~! Long time no see~!! I miss you 2 so so so much!!!!

I am so glad to see your photos and knowing how you doing right now~!This is so wonderul~!


At Sunday, August 10, 2008 1:06:00 PM, Blogger The Cat Realm said...

OMG - Findus and Smilla are like Karl and Anastasia! Not necessarily how they look but how they are with each other...
We know Bathsheba's birthday is coming up, we marked it in our Cat Blogopshere Calendar so we knew that's not it. But we were hoping for a party???
It must be your 300th post. Ours was a few days ago and we TOTALLY missed it!!!
I am happy that you are o.k. and I will tell Karl - who still is one the "endless safari", hohohohohoho
Mrs. OZ

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 2:21:00 PM, Blogger Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think it's special because you are blogging again?!

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 4:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know the answer to your question, but I do know it's good to hear from you again! Welcome back...

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 4:23:00 PM, Blogger Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

It's gotta be Bathsheba's birthday ... and/or your blogoversary. I'm gonna go with it bein' Bathsheba's 17th birthday! Happy B-day, 'Sheba! You're my hero!

At Sunday, August 10, 2008 4:29:00 PM, Blogger The Cat Realm said...

Bathsheba - I gave you an early birthday present in the form of an award.
Mrs. OZ

At Monday, August 11, 2008 1:42:00 AM, Blogger Boy said...

I'm guessing it's your bwogoversawy!

At Monday, August 11, 2008 1:42:00 AM, Blogger Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yer gettin a new kitty in the house?

At Monday, August 11, 2008 4:23:00 PM, Blogger Findus & Smilla said...

Hi Bathsheba,
special greetings from your look-alike sister.
...and thank you very much for mentioning me on that post!


At Monday, August 11, 2008 7:05:00 PM, Blogger Lux said...

Gosh, I'm stumped!

At Monday, August 11, 2008 9:47:00 PM, Blogger Jake and Bathsheba said...

And the winners are . . .

The Hotties from the House of the Mostly Black Cats!

Yes, it was our 300th post. If we had kept up our regular pace, we would have hit 300 by the first of this year.

Mom finds the idea of a new sibling very intriguing. She considered that back at the first of the year when she was very sad. Kitties are in short supply in the dead of winter, but not now. Sorry Mom, but we don't want to share your attention with anyone else. We don't need an annoying kitten to bother us.


At Monday, August 11, 2008 11:01:00 PM, Blogger Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

WOW! We won! Amazing! And fank you so much for sending the prize to our favorite charity -- the Godmom and Family fund in memory of Sprout. Fank you so much!
Alla the Hotties

At Monday, August 11, 2008 11:56:00 PM, Blogger meemsnyc said...

Happy 300th post! We are almost to 300 also! We are 4 posts away from 300 too!

At Tuesday, August 12, 2008 12:50:00 AM, Blogger Rosie & Cheeto said...

wayt- do i get a prize fur guessing the othur reasun it's a speshul post!?!? Its the same date B-Sheba gave burth to Jake, rite?

What'd you say rosie?... BSheba and Jake are fostur brothur and sistur? Woopsies- i guess thats my sign that i need to slow down on the nip for the rest of the evening...


At Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2:54:00 PM, Blogger Skeezix the Cat said...

Happy 300th post!!!!

At Tuesday, August 12, 2008 3:37:00 PM, Blogger Victor Tabbycat said...

::spin:: Happy Free-hundeteenth post! ::spin::

At Wednesday, August 13, 2008 8:33:00 AM, Blogger Samantha & Mom said...

Happy 300th Post Bathsheba!
Your FL furiends,

At Friday, March 05, 2010 7:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are not right. I am assured. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.


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