Traveling Cats for Tuesday
Hi! We have turned into traveling cats! Mom has taken us down to her sister's beach house for a few days. We have never been to the beach before and Mom says that we probably won't get to play in the big sandbox while we are here.

Here I am by one of the windows in our bedroom. We have a view of the lake out back and there is a hammock on this deck. The ocean is a short walk away.

Thank you, everyone, for the concern you showed to me when I was sick. Man, I felt BAD, but I am MUCH better now. I'm eating better and I like to play again. I had to take medicine and the stuff that Mom gave me with a syringe actually tasted YUMMY. I would chew on the syringe as she pulled it from my mouth. Mom said that the doctor put chicken flavoring in it. I wish my thyroid medicine came in a yummy flavor rather than a bitter pill. Because I don't like "stinky goodness" anymore and am back to my crunchies, Mom cannot hide them in my food and has to force the pill down my throat. I try to be cooperative because I know I need it. (Note from Mom: Jake has been amazing about taking his pills. If it were Bathsheba who needed twice daily meds, I don't know what I would do.) Mom says that I have a follow up appointment with the doctor on July 3. I hope they don't take my blood again.

That's the report from Avon, NC, our dear friends!
Labels: beach house, travel
Hooray Jake! I am glad you feel better and that you are a good boy when it comes to taking your medicine. So is it fun to be traveling kitties? I bet the beach smells are great!
Enjoy yourselves!
It's great to see you kitties again! I'm glad you are doing so much better, Jake. Do you think you and Bathsheba might be able to sneak out and see the giant sandbox for a bit? All that traveling sounds exciting!
Cool! Its really neat-o that you get to travel. Water must always be tested because its all so different!
Yeah! Make yur selfs at home. Home is where food, water, windows an Mom is!
Bathsheba, I's taggin yur fur a meme! Purrs!
You are very brave to travel around like that! I would hide under the bed. Any bed!
Jake, I am glad you are feeling better. Maybe you would enjoy taking your pills inside Pill Pockets?
chicken flavored medicine? yum! we're so glad you're better. have fun with your adventures travelling!
Beech is bad! The water can take ya away ifen ya arent careful. An there are bitey crabses out there. Stay safe inside!
Cool that you have a new place to explore and get into things! Yummy medicine? That's a first!
Hello Jake and Bathsheba! I see you are in NC again...very cool. I have missed you and it is good to see you pop in once in awhile.
Do stay healthy Jake and give your mommy lots of sandpaper kisses. I we love all and think you are very special.
Miss Peachy
Hi Jake and Bathsheba. It is nice to hear from you again. Jake, we are glad that you are feeling better. We hope you enjoy your time at the beach.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
I think if I ever saw a giant litter box like the beech, my sqwerts wood go into dubble overtime!
Jake ... Tell your momma to get you some Pill Pockets from PetCo or PetSmart ... They are yummy. In fact, visit Skeezy's blog an' look at the 7/16 posting about Greenies samples. They'll give you a pill pockets sample, too!
Love you! Smooches!
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