Mom and I could not let the deadline pass without entering the
Simply Siamese "Spring has Sprung" Contest. Mancats always like to help out their fellow felines; in this case it's Sammy and Miles Meezer. True mancats aren't afraid to pose with flowers since we know how popular flowers are with the ladies.

These are snowdrops.

And these are yellow crocus.

And these are miniature iris (
I. reticulata).
We also have winter aconite and hellebores in bloom now in our garden.
I have a confession to make since Bathsheba will rat me out otherwise. Mom had to bribe me with treats to pose with these flowers. She tucked the treats in with the flowers so that's why my nose is stuck in the iris here.
Happy Meterological Spring!
P.S. One of these days we will complete the 7 Weird Things Meme and there will be a startling confession from Bathsheba.
Labels: Man Cat, Simply Siamese, spring flowers, Spring Has Spring
You look handsome with the flowers, even though your Mom did have to bribe you to get the photos.
Glad to have your guys back~!
You have a very beautiful garden~! I am very happy for you!!
Yoo have temtayshuns in yer flowers!?! That is the kulest garden ever!!! Whare can we get temtayshun flowers? Thay must be vary egspensive. -cheeto
Yoo have VARY handsum mancat powses, jake. My favurite is yer head-on stare with the snow-temtayshun flowurs. Vary mancatly! -rosie
Ooooo confessions--We wanna hear!!!
You have such wonderful early flowers. Our daffodils are getting close but so far nothing is blooming--but one rhody on the side of the house!
Jake, I have a secret too: my Mommie sometimes uses treats to bribe me to get the shot, also. I cannot wait to learn Bathsheba's startling confession!
What a smart mom! And totally beneficial to you too.
Wait, the "Siamese" Spring Contest? Ya mean I hafta go ot an find Spring pictures when it isn't even Spring yet?
I wasn't efen aroun las Spring...
That was a great idea your mom had - you look like you're grooving on those flowers! :)
I'm glad to see yoo guys bak in akshun!!!! I'm gonna wet my pants if I hafta wate to long to heer 'Sheba's startling confeshun!!!!
Oh your garden is so pretty, and I glad you posed with the flowers, I guess I can too...
very happy see you again!!!Jake
treats in the flowers? that's excellent!
Spwingtime is the best because there're so many wovewy fwowers spwinging up!
Hey, anything for treats, I say.
Oh Jake, you are very handsome with those flowers!
Wow, you have flowers! We still have 12" of snow & ice in our yard.
We're going to ask our mum to plant some Temtayshun flowers furr us. We can't wait to hear what Bathsheba's confession is.
wow what great flowers, spring is great ~the Fluffy Tribe
Very beautiful flowers :)
Crocus? Is that like a fat froggy?
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What pretty flowers! Thanks for showing and telling us their names. You can almost smell them.
Those beautiful flowers don't hold a candle to my handsome ManCat, Jake!
Happy St. Paddy's Day!
Your cats are just adorable! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'll be looking forward to the big secret. haha
Hope yoo guys are okay! Happy Easter, Happy Spring!
Hahaha...fwowers are gweat, but tweats inside fwowers are even gweater!
Happy Easter!
Teleport over for some ham at 5 PDT.
Look at the crocus flowers, so pretty!
Hope you are doing good and all is o.k.!
Happy Easter to you!
And Jake - we tagged you for the middle name meme!
hi guys, nice to meet ya all...seemed you havent been posting furr so long? hope evrything is fine.
we see that you're good hunters! keep on the good job guyz.
Though things get rough lately, Meaouwy Troops still like to share their furryfriend story about the unusual mark on her body and helping mommy disclose one of the reasons why we become the best communicator with humans:) so check them out in our blogs to find it more.
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