Hello, everyone! Thanks for stopping by! It's been ages since I last posted. Blame it on my worthless secretary. It's unfortunate that I'm so dependent upon her. She said that she's trying to have a "social life." I might just have to fire her and hire a new secretary--if only I could find one.

I'm dedicating this post to my girlfriend cat
DaisyMae Maus who still likes me despite the paucity of my visits and posts. She's very understanding of my clerical predicament. It was a great weekend, and I spent a lot of time patrolling my deck.

Here I am checking out the bird feeders.

And here I am below the feeders seeing if I can catch any slow moving birdies. No such luck this time!

And for Mancat Monday, I show you my outdoor scratching post. I've torn it to shreds. My grandpa made it years ago (for another kitty), and it is very sturdy unlike many of the ones you can buy in the stores. I just wish that Mom would recover it for me because it's not very satisfying to scratch on the bare metal post.
Our dear friends
Rosie and Cheeto tagged us for the Seven Weird Things meme. We'll try to complete that this week.
Labels: Birdies, DaisyMae Maus, deck, Man Cat, Rosie and Cheeto
oh, jake, that's soooo nice of yoo to dedukate yer post to yer beautful DMM. Yeah, shes hot!
Hey, if yer lady has a burdie feeder, than why doesnt she put up a kitty feeder and put burdies in it? Hmmm.
Yeah, Owr lady pulls that "social life" thing too. Sumtimes she duesnt get home til late because of it!! She says its importunt, and that people with BIG social lives half to werk hard at it. I hope bowth owr ladys don't get too socially ginormous!
And don't feel obligatud to do the meme. We just like seeing yer powst whenevur and whatevur thay may be.
I am missing you both as well~!
I think your mommy is doing great job~! Having social life is good to do!!!!
I am glad that you are back on line, just hoping you are doing just fine~~ It's will be very confident!
Fire the secretary immediately! Demand your rights!
Unemployment is up....your human should be worried. Run an ad on Craigslist for a new one.
Skittles, The Huntress
Yes, we understand about the posting - our mom has "a tooth" and still feels bad about it and is back at work in a new year with a new class. The students come tomorrow.
We have missed you Jake! I know how you feel, I really want a birdie...
Jake, those are great photos of you patrolling your yard! You are doing a great job. We think you are very brave to go outdoors like that!
You do a good job of patrolling your yard, Jake. You have certainly turned that scratching post into kitty art. I hope you can get it recovered soon.
Oh dear! That's too bad of your secwetawy! Give her a few biteys to wemind her that you're extwemewy important!
I am glad that you got some secretarial time. It's tough when they rebel isn't it? I see you are handling it in a good mancat fashion!
what does she need a social life for? she has you and Bathsheba! sheesh
I think it's good for your mom to have a social life, it's important! As long as it does not interfere with your computer time...
Jake, you have no SNOW?!
Hello my Man Cat friend!! Please tell your sisfur I dedicated a Valentine to her as one of my top charmers on Monty Q's contest.
Tell yoor mom to skip the social life one day and recover that scratching post! Sheesh, we are the most important thing in der lives and dey do things like go hang out wif frends.
Yes, the help! One can't live without them but they are soooo unreliable!!!
They do some nice things though - like the butler makes us scratching posts and tree platforms and that is nice.
Good to see your pictures!
You had sunshine! That looks wonderful! I forgot how great the sun is!
It's hard to find a good secretary mines not so great either.
Hi Jake! That's a very nice bird feeder station you've got there. I bet you get lots of visitors.
I really like all the birdie feeders and I especially like the scratchy post your grandpa built! I've been asking for a scratchy post for some time now to no avail!
Hi Jake - I wish I could hang out with you!
Hi, those are lovely sunny pictures and it's good that your secretary spared some time to type for you:) xxx
Ya should learn ta type like we do. We use the puter when The Big Thing is away frum it!
Jake! Wow ... I am SO flattered to have a post dedicated to me! (Swoon) ...
Hi Jake, it's good to see you again.We can see you are enjoying the sun. We have been away furr a week cuz we lost our compooter connekkshun, but a man came and found it again furr us.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Your Valentine came today with the stamp of gorgeous YOU on the envelope. I spent a few minutes rubbing my face all over the envelope before Mom (using her opposable thumbs) opened it up for me. Oh ... WOW! I was thrilled with the little tuft of your fur inside. I sniffed it an' sniffled it ... but Mom took it away from me right as I tried to eat your fur. She wanted me to "save" the fur so that I could sniff it again later. Thank you for the beautiful Valentine an' the pieces of you ...
I realized this morning that I hadn't visited you a lot..... only to come here and find out it is your secretaries fault!!!!!! She does not allow YOU to visit either, right?
My maid tried to pull that on me - hinting things to the butler like: the cats have a more social life than either one of us - you can't let them get away with it!!!!! We compromised - she promised to visit everybody who visited us at least once, possibly twice a week. Seems to work so far.....
Hope to see you guys again soon!!!!
Hi Jake ... I miss you!
Wow, you've been busy.
I hope your mom is doing ok and does not have a smelly rental car anymore.
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