Happy New Year to our dear friends. Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for your concern about our dropping out of the
blogosphere for a couple of weeks.

I had hoped to post more photos from our Christmas travels, but that seems so long ago now. If you look closely at my neck in this photo of me on our deck, you can see something
pink. Yes, I am sporting a
collar. Mom gave us both collars and heart
name tags for traveling, and we have kept them on! Mom had given up on collars for us years ago because we ALWAYS managed to take them off. I decided that this one was rather pretty, though it does make my neck itch.

Mom has been thinking very hard about her life, and on New Year's Day she decided to climb our local Bull Run Mountain and sit atop the rocks and be inspired by the view and fresh air.

She went alone and sat on the rocks until the cold wind finally got to her.

She even managed to use the camera timer and took a self-portrait. Anyway, she thought about things that have happened to her recently, but she also thought about all the wonderful things for which she can be thankful. This beautiful natural world nurtures her spirit. She has a good job and is financially secure. She has family and friends that love her. She is in good health and can hardly believe that she will be 50 in March. She decided that she will focus on these great things in 2008, take some risks, and try to live life more fully. One consequence of that may be that we will probably blog less as she tries to connect with people she can meet locally. (Drat! We have fewer than 10 posts to get to #300!)
Unfortunately, life sometimes throws us a curve ball! Despite her more positive thoughts, Mom had a serious car accident on Friday, January 4 that tested her resolve. BUT NO INJURIES! The airbag did what it was supposed to do.

Do you remember when she bought her
Prius back in August? Here's a picture of her car now. She was driving home from work, had the right of way on a road, and a guy who had stopped at a stop sign, pulled out directly in front of her to make a left turn. Mom's thoughts when she knew she was going to crash were, "
OMG, my NEW CAR is going to get SMASHED!"

Of course, she should have been thinking, "
OMG, I could be seriously injured or killed!" The people in the other car were uninjured also, and the driver was only 19. He said that he never saw Mom's car. He was cited by the police. The accident caused a major traffic jam and firetrucks, an ambulance, and police all responded. Mom dismissed the offer to be taken to the hospital, but a police officer took her to a local police station where her best friend picked her up. She felt very alone when the accident occurred, but she was glad that her friend was at home.
Mom hasn't heard for sure yet, but her beloved new car is probably totalled. It was four months old and had 4300 miles on it.
Meanwhile, Mom is driving a fairly nice 2007 Nissan Altima rental car. It's only fairly nice because the interior smells--not quite as bad as the smelly car from Seinfeld, but smelly nonetheless. She thinks someone must have smoked in the car, then someone sprayed a nasty "air freshener" to try to mask the odor.
So, that's what's been going on. Remember that we love you all and that even if we don't post or comment, Mom will pop in on your blogs to see what's new. Thank you, Latte and DaisyMae for the undeserved awards. You are wonderful friends. And we hope that Latte and his Meowmy are feeling better.
Labels: 2008, Bull Run Mountain, car
Crikey! Thinking of you and your mum. :)
We are very glad that your Human is okay. I hope she finds what she wants!
Oah Dear....
That is very shock image!!!!
I am glad that you mommy is ok!!
Yes, I miss you both!!
Tell your Mommy that my Mommy said that 50 is fun!
We're glad your mum was ok. The accident must haf been very frightening furr her. We hope her life works out as she wants it to, and we all wish her good luck. We'll be sorry not to see as much of you, but we'll keep checking in to see when yoo are around.
We are very happy that your mom wasn't injured in the accident! That is a beautiful view she had when she climbed up the mountain.
That looks like it was a nasty accident - good thing that your mom was ok. Hope things work out for her this year,
Gypsy & Tasha
PS Your collar looks very nice against your fur.
Tell your Momma to go for the gusto!
We are sorry about her car...that is furry bad for our Momma's cuz they use them so much to get around with. Just think, if they were like us they wouldn't need those silly cars...
we is glad yur mommy is okay.
yuki & kimiko & kintaro
Oh my gosh!!! What a horrible thing to happen to your mom. I'm happy she wasn't hurt but I'm sure it was quite a difficult experience. Sounds like your mom is doing a great job reminding herself of the wonderful things she has in her life. She is a VERY special person.
Thanks for thinking about us! I am doing MUCH better but now I'm just worried about my Meowmy. Apparently bean vets are actually more difficult than regular VETs?
We are very very glad that your Mom is okay. Car accidents are scary and we are so glad no one was hurt!!
I am very glad that your mommy was uninjured in that nasty accident!
It is good to hear from you. I hope everything goes better for your mommy this year, and that she accomplishes everything she sets out to do. =^_^=
Congrats on keeping the collars on! Pink is your color. ;)
That accident must have been very scairty! I am sorry you will not be able to blog as much, but I understand your mom's thinking. I hope she has the very best year in 2008!
ps: I like your pretty pink collar.
So gal;d that your mom was not hurt in the accident. Sorry about her car though. Here are some purrrrrrsssss.
"Wow" I'm glad your mom's okay.Hope this New Year is a great one for you and your mom :)
Hooboy, dat car is pretty banged up! Glad yoor mom wasn't. Looking at dat piksher we can't beleeve yoor mom is gonna be 50 either, she's young looking. Our mom sez dat all things happen fur a reason and dat life really does get better after 50.
oh wow- that aksident sounds soooo bad. Were soooo glad yer lady is ok. its also a gud thing she decided to be supur happy this year cause she deserves it fur doing such a grate job taking care of yoo two.
And that view is amazing! Next time yoo two shuld get in the piktur with yer lady.
Oh and one last thing- we got neklaces with owr names on them too. Glad were matching now!
ps - I am giving you two an award tomorrow!
Oh dear...the accident was tewwible, but your Mom's bwave! And tell her not to feel awone because there are wots of fwiends awound! Purrs...
Oh my goodness, how scary, but you are absolutely right in thinking there is a lot to be thankful for. Like the news that your human was not seriously hurt and even the other stupid driver was safe and unharmed too. FAZ
Ye Mom is sure hafin a busy time! Vacations an the noisey machine getting all broke up!
He hope we keep seein ya on yer blog...
OH NO! That is just awfullll!!! We are so happy yoo wern't hurted. The FL has bin to that ginormous Bull Run Mowntin and hiked to the top. She has bin to Bull Run a kuppul of times many yeers ago (probly arownd the tim of the Sivil War) and sed it's one of her faverite places on erth. She wunts to take Mr TF thare. Sheba, I reely LOVE yer pink coller!!!!
We are furry glad your Momma is OK. Did it kill the Metal Monster? I, personally, do not like Metal Monsters, so I can't feel real bad if it died.
Love the tree with the deck wrap-around.
Oh my! So glad your mom's all right...my mom had a very similar accident in 2005 and her car looked like that...now, we have a bright Red car so everyone can see mom coming and not smash smash into her! So far it's worked.
Love your pink collar!
Oh ... my ... goodness! Your poor momma ... an' her poor green masheen, too! Let's hope that the rest of 2008 is BETTER! It is a furry good thing that your momma wasn't injured!
I was stoppin' by to see if you ... Jake ... still wanted to be my (blush) VALENTINE?!? I sure hope so!
Just a qwik note to let yoo know we are thinking abowt yer lady and yoo two! Happy purrs all around!!
I sure am glad to hear your mom came out of the accident okay!
Kitty hugs to all of you,
Jake (an' Bathsheba) ...
Stop by my bloggie 'cuz I've awarded you the "E for Excellent" award! Yay! You deserve the award for great photos, witty prose, an' studly "mancatliness" ...
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