Thursday, December 24, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
She Did It Her Way
My dear Bathsheba died last week.

She was getting progressively weaker and ate next to nothing,
but she still enjoyed drinking water out of the bathroom sink, petting, and going out and around the deck in the mornings. Perhaps she was remembering her glory days when she spent a lot of time outside and was a very successful squirrel hunter. 

She didn’t wait for euthanasia; she died in the garden on a bed of leaves.
Some of you may remember Bathsheba’s story. I had lost my six-year-old black cat Gus to stomach cancer in August of 1991, and by October of that year I was ready to add a kitten to my household.
I was seeking a male to join my 13-year-old Maine coon named Precious. I had a friend in my office who always seemed to be in the know when cats or kittens needed a good home. A friend of a friend of hers had a cat with kittens. They were barn cats that were born under the back porch of a farmhouse that was enveloped by creeping suburbia. All were polydactyl—having extra toes.
The males of the litter were already spoken for, but I chose feisty Bathsheba at 8 weeks from the females. She and Precious got along from the start. When Jake was added to the mix two and a half years later (through that same friend), she became the odd girl out because she barely tolerated him.
For a while, I kept Bathsheba inside and would only let her out under strict supervision. Of course, she loved the outdoors. When my ex-boyfriend moved in with me and worked from home, he allowed the cats much more outdoor freedom. Bathsheba became a masterful hunter and was remarkably successful with our abundant squirrel population. She once nabbed a squirrel as I hosted a public garden tour. Some guests were appalled, but others asked if I would rent her out to them!
Unfortunately, Bathsheba’s love of the outdoors caused me considerable consternation on several occasions. Sometimes she would spend the night outside, but on two separate occasions, when she was about five and six years of age, respectively, she disappeared for more than a week. Both times she simply reappeared from the woods calling me with her baby meow as if nothing was wrong. Never mind that I had scoured the neighborhood, put up signs, and called the local animal shelters. She also managed to lose the collars I would put on her back in those days.
Bathsheba was never what you would term a “cuddly cat,” but she did have a special connection with me. Whereas Jake would flee from me when I would cry, Bathsheba always came to me and offered a head to scratch and a soft purr. She did not like to sleep up close to me, but she would sleep down by my feet. When I worked in the garden, she liked to watch me, staying just out of reach.
As she aged, Shebie became more of a homebody, knowing that she was safe inside. She lost her hearing and, near the end, became blind in one eye with limited vision in the other. She did still enjoy sniffing the air on the deck, but she no longer ventured beyond the fenced yard that had never confined her in her youth.
Eighteen years is a good, long life for a cat, and she enjoyed good health for nearly all of them. I will miss my dear Bathsheba and love her always. She will never be forgotten.
Some of you may remember Bathsheba’s story. I had lost my six-year-old black cat Gus to stomach cancer in August of 1991, and by October of that year I was ready to add a kitten to my household.
The males of the litter were already spoken for, but I chose feisty Bathsheba at 8 weeks from the females. She and Precious got along from the start. When Jake was added to the mix two and a half years later (through that same friend), she became the odd girl out because she barely tolerated him.
For a while, I kept Bathsheba inside and would only let her out under strict supervision. Of course, she loved the outdoors. When my ex-boyfriend moved in with me and worked from home, he allowed the cats much more outdoor freedom. Bathsheba became a masterful hunter and was remarkably successful with our abundant squirrel population. She once nabbed a squirrel as I hosted a public garden tour. Some guests were appalled, but others asked if I would rent her out to them!

As she aged, Shebie became more of a homebody, knowing that she was safe inside. She lost her hearing and, near the end, became blind in one eye with limited vision in the other. She did still enjoy sniffing the air on the deck, but she no longer ventured beyond the fenced yard that had never confined her in her youth.
Eighteen years is a good, long life for a cat, and she enjoyed good health for nearly all of them. I will miss my dear Bathsheba and love her always. She will never be forgotten.

Labels: Bathsheba
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sad News
Hi, Emerson here with some sad news. My big sister Bathsheba is not well. She has a tumor in her mouth and it is something called squamous cell carcinoma. That's a fancy way of saying she has the dreaded cancer. She is hardly eating. Mommie is very sad about this turn of events. Only something called palliative care is really an option for Sheba now. I will try my best not to be a pest to her.
Love & purrs,
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Meet Mr. RW Emerson
Hi! I'm Emerson, the new kitten here.

I played with my mommie through the little holes in the glass. She had to wait until almost closing time before she got to play with me in the play room because the staff was busy with some other people and their adoptions.

Mommie got a call from the veterinarian on Monday.
I was very sick with a high fever and viral infection--much too sick for my operation. The animal shelter director even called my mommie and asked her if she wanted a different kitty since I was so sick. Thank goodness she said no.
I was hospitalized for several days, but on Thursday, September 17 my mommie paid lots of green papers and got to bring me home.

I was very sick with a high fever and viral infection--much too sick for my operation. The animal shelter director even called my mommie and asked her if she wanted a different kitty since I was so sick. Thank goodness she said no.
I was hospitalized for several days, but on Thursday, September 17 my mommie paid lots of green papers and got to bring me home.
I was so excited, but she was told that I had to stay in a confined place and remain relatively quiet. I had three different medicines. I wasn't allowed to meet the big kitty that already lived here. Mommie put me in the room she calls the library because it has many books and bookcases. She named me Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson. I think she has high literary hopes of me and expects me to be a great writer or something. But I'm just a little kitten and I want to PLAY.

Labels: Emerson
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'm 18 Today!

And look at all the fur it stole from me!
I had a nice, quiet birthday--the way I like it. And my servants let me go IN and OUT many times.
Mom will be going on vacation soon to Nova Scotia and she says that when she returns, we may get an addition to the family. That sounds ominous, but I'll worry about that when the time comes. Stay cool, everyone.
Love, ~Bathsheba
Labels: birthday, vote, zoom groom
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Enjoying the New Deck Furniture
Yes, I'm still alive! Just a few more weeks and I'll be celebrating the big one-eight like Rocky the Gutter Cat and Calvin.

Have a great summer, and I hope you enjoy the outdoors safely like I do now.
Labels: deck
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Mom Met Rosie and Cheeto in Chicago
Hi Everyone -
Sorry I rarely blog or visit any more. Things are going well with Mom and me. Mom recently went to a conference in Chicago and visited my first blogging friends, Rosie and Cheeto. I was disappointed not to get to visit them myself, but I'm not too keen on the idea of an airplane ride, and Kathy the catsitter took good care of my needs while Mom was away.

Rosie gave Mom a nose kiss!
Here is Mom with Rosie and Cheeto's lady just minutes after they met. Jake and I had been friends with R&C since August of 2006. R&C's Lady is the first blogging cats' person that she has ever met. Too bad Mom isn't in Chicago now; a group of cat bloggers are getting together there to meet for the first time.
Mom and I send our condolences to Chey and family upon the recent loss of dear Georgia.
Labels: Chey, Chicago, Georgia, Rosie and Cheeto
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Garden Cat
Hi! It has been forever since my last post, and the mood has changed dramatically around here.

Spring is here, and Mom LOVES spring. She also has a very loving man in her life. We still miss Jake very much, but Mom no longer bursts into tears at the mere mention of him.
Our garden was one of three featured for a local wildflower garden tour on April 19. Our Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica) were in full glory that day.

Mom continues to be busy with work and her activities. She is co-chair of a native plant sale that will take place the morning of May 9. I continue to conserve energy and nap.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Almost Spring

And this is a photo of our first daffodils. As you can see from the date, they bloomed March 10. These ones are on the sunny side of the house.

Mom cleaned out all three apartments.

These are the three nests that were removed.

Guess who took up residence in it instead?

Happy Birthday, Mom. I'm sorry that you have been so sad lately. I'm not very good at cheering you up.
Labels: Birdies, nests, spring flowers