Our new friends
Karl and Anastasia tagged us with
Miss Peach's meme, and we both will try to participate:
- Favorite season? J&B: Summer--when our backyard jungle is full and the sun is very warm.
- Favorite colors? Jake: I'm partial to Black and White (DaisyMae). Bathsheba: grey and white.
- Favorite room? Jake: Cat/computer room in the winter, living room in the summer. Bathsheba: Kitchen and Mom and Dad's bedroom (though I'm not allowed to sleep with them when they go up to bed).
- Do you like dogs?
J&B: No, but we can make exceptions for really nice dogs like ones we've met on the web. Jake: Mom has a photo of me as a kitten holding my own and sharing a platter with two dogs (Grandpa's dog and my uncle's dog), so I guess I could like a dog as long as he didn't take my food. Please, no loud barking either!
5. Ever been in an airplane box? NEVER!
6. Do you have to get bathed? NO!
7. Are you in love? Jake: Of course--I have my lovely DaisyMae Maus over in San Diego. She's the queen in a house of cats. Bathsheba: Bubbles in Baton Rouge. He wooed me with the most wonderful Valentine video (even if I did look ridiculous). He's a great hunter, and a very patient big brother to Madness.
8. Where would you like to travel to? J&B: We have no travel aspirations. We do like to venture out of the yard and into the little woods behind our house. We have heard about a place called the beach where the fish are abundant and the litter box is endless. We might like that if it didn't involve that travel part.
9. What do you ignore? Jake: Mom when she's trying to discipline me. I love Mom, but only mind Dad. Bathsheba: I TRY to ignore Jake to no avail.
10. How many lives have you used up? J&B: Maybe some. We've both been in catfights and gotten nasty infections. Jake: I was in a fight just Friday night. Mom was going to bed about 1 a.m. only to hear bloodcurdling caterwauling outside. We went into the dark bushes when she went outside to investigate.
11. Do you have any dark secrets? Jake: I'm not telling anyone about the outcome of Friday's fight and I'm not saying who the intruder was. (Mom didn't see any injuries.) Also, it's not a secret since it's been reported on this blog before, but I like to spray in the house. I even peed on one of Dad's guitar cases and boy was he mad! That's one of the reasons I have to spend a lot of time outside. Except that's not much of a punishment since I like to be outside. (And yes, I had my "special" operation.) Bathsheba: A long time ago, I ran away from home for weeks at a time, not once, but twice. I'll never tell where I went.
12. What is your favorite holiday? J&B: We like laid back holidays like Memorial Day or Labor Day when the weather is warm and Mom and Dad are usually both home all day to wait on us.
13. Water or milk? Jake: I guess I will say milk, but I only get a little taste of it every now and then. I'm not much of a water drinker, either. Bathsheba: I guess you could say that I'm a big drinker. I LOVE milk, and Mom usually gives me a taste when she pours out her milk to have with dinner. (Yes, she's a grown woman and drinks MILK with dinner.) I have to say, though, that I also LOVE water, and I drink a lot of it all day long.
14. Why do you blog? J&B: For so many reasons! At first we just read blogs like Kismet and Skeezix, then we decided to join the fun too. We love all the friends we've made, and it's helped our secretary (Mom) learn more about our species and be more understanding.
15. Are you into extremes? Jake: Extreme cuteness and lovability. Bathsheba: I'm an extreme drinker.
16. Favorite TV shows? We don't like TV and we're getting Mom away from TV when she acts as our secretary for blogging.
17. Are you a pesty lap cat? J&B: NO. We occasionally grace our Mom or Dad with our lap presence, but only when it's well deserved (or we're cold).
18. Inside or outside cat? Jake: Indoor/outdoor. I generally have my servants at my beck and call when I scratch on the sliding glass door, but sometimes they think I should stay out. Bathsheba: I used to be more indoor/outdoor, but I'm much more indoor now that I'm nearly 16.
19. What makes you happy? J&B: Love from Mom and Dad, a comfy bed, sunshine, mealtimes, special treats, cheese. Jake: Hanging out with Dad on the deck. Bathsheba: Hanging out with Mom, getting water out of the bathroom sink faucet.
20. Your most embarrassing moment? Jake: Sometimes I'm embarrassed when Mom gets all kissy/kissy with me outdoors, and I think someone outside the family might see me. I have a mancat imagine to uphold, you know. Bathsheba: I recently tried to jump up to the bathroom sink without using the toilet as a stepping stone. I didn't make the jump, and it was very embarrassing. At least Jake didn't see my failed attempt, and Mom was very loving and understanding about it.
Whew, that was long! We don't think that our dear friends Rosie and Cheeto have completed this meme, so we tag them.
Labels: Karl and Anastasia, meme, Miss Peach